Chapter 12: Father

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Hidden in the Umbrachrono main base were five individuals along with the leader making them six in the leader's room. They were as said:

The leader of Umbrachrono known as the "King".

CyberHuman Eight Thirty Three.

CyberHuman Eight Thirty Four.

CyberHuman Eight Thirty Six.

CyberHuman Eight Thirty Seven.

And lastly CyberHuman Eight Thirty Eight. Formerly known as Scorpion.

They were kneeling down before their leader. The King got up from his throne before looking at the five CyberHumans that were bowing down before him. They were awaiting instructions from their leader.

The King looked at all of them before sighing. Looking at Eight Thirty Four specifically. "Alright. You're here because it's time to start our latest mission. We're starting World War Three."

They all looked shocked. Before any one of them could say anything their leader then said, "The world believes in creating peace with more destructive weapons when they only create a bigger threat with said weapons. So we'll unleash World War Three in order to show everyone the effects of creating weapons."

"But sir, there are many nations that still harber nuclear weapons. That will cause global destruction." Eight Thirty Three said.

"I know. The remaining survivors will know the error of their ways. If they refuse to see it by then then they'll be killed completely. Don't let me down. I'll send you to your locations soon. For now, prepare for battle."

He told them before they all got up and left. All except Eight Thirty Four.

"Didn't I tell you to prepare?" Asked the king. "Father, what's your real goal here?" The young CyberHuman asked bluntly.

"This world is full of bad people. They need to be punished by losing their lives. I may be doing bad things but that doesn't make me a bad person. I've seen how you were treated and I don't want that to happen to anyone else."

Eight Thirty Four still wasn't satisfied with her answer. She chose to accept it before her 'father' told her something else.

"Listen, I'm sending the others to cause the war. I'm sending you to a place called Blue Stone. Your job there will be to protect Eight Thirty One and her daughter. They go by the names Carla Evans and Kara Evans. Keep them safe from harm and the government."

"I will father. I won't let you down." "When have you ever?" Asked the King.

"Okay, Carla I know you got money from the incident but you need to get a job." Said Wyatt.

"Then who'll take care of Kara? Juliette has work and so do you. Besides the kids are off studying so who'll take care of her?" Questioned Carla.

"We'll figure something out." Wyatt said to the CyberHuman. "Look Wyatt, I'm not sure if I can trust anyone with my baby. Sure you're all good but you're all busy and she's all I have. She's my reason for living."

"I get that Kara means everything to you. But you can't hold onto her forever. She needs to grow."

"She doesn't know the outside world. She doesn't know how dangerous it is. What it can do to her. Especially with Umbrachrono on the loose."

"Look, the government is working to stop them as we speak. You need to get her accustomed to the new world, so why not take her to a daycare centre? She can maybe interact with kids her age."

"Okay... This would've been would've been easier if Axle were still alive. Now I know how Axle felt. Especially since Grey died."

"You killed Bernstein after tracking him down. You tortured him to death using the same methods he used on you. Now you still hate him because Kara isn't living with a father."


"Wait, you didn't tell me who the father was anyway."

"That's the thing...


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