Chapter 11: Encounter

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Carla decided to take a walk during the night while Juliette was playing with Kara. She could be moving around at any place but there was one place she seemed to look at. It was a wreckage. There still stood an old dusty and rusted mailbox. She distinctively remembered this place.

It's where everything began. The house of the late Ryder family. She remembered all the fun times she had with Axle, her old friend and the one who she loved. He liked her for all of her and she kept pushing him back. Looking back, she wished that she didn't.

"A nice place... it's a shame it got destroyed." Said someone who just arrived. This was a man who wore a black hoodie with a mask. "The origin story of the legendary Cyber King, Rosé Shadow."

Carla was startled by this man's presence. She looked at him with anger before he said, "Please get out of attack mode, Eight Thirty One, I'm not here looking for a fight." Said the man who seemed to know her.

She then realised something. "You're with Umbrachrono." "Clever girl. The offer no longer stands by the way, we'll stay away from you and your daughter."

"Were you the guys who robbed Axle's grave?" Asked the CyberHuman. "No." The masked man lied. "Why would we grave rob? That's disrespectful to the dead and to those who lost their loved ones."

"Okay, why are you guys killing members of the government?"

"Why not? The government screwed you over way too much and that was before you reached eighteen. We want peace and the government fails to realise is that they want war. Who ever thought of creating peace with weapons?"

"It makes no sense. Weapons always lead to chaos."

"Exactly, Eight Thirty One. We do what we do to gain world peace. You all see it as unjust murder but you're all wrong. We want the problems of the world destroyed."

"And what about the CyberHumans that you guys seem to be making?"

"Enforcers. We need muscle to pull off what we want to do, and also we only choose the ones worthy of living."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I plan on purging this world and recreating it into something better. The strong of the worthy class becomes CyberHumans and the weaker ones still live on to exist in this now sestpool of a planet."

"You're the leader of Umbrachrono."

"Yes, I am. I do hope to meet you again, Carla Evans. Not as enemies though, because I have a way to give you your human body back."


"Believe what you want to believe but I do speak the truth. I'm afraid I've wasted plenty of time. Goodbye." He said before disappearing.

She ruled out teleportation since it was impossible outside of CyberSpace. This was a hologram. All she could focus on now was the leader. His way of thinking seemed familiar. Too familiar.

Cyber Series: Book 3 《Cyber Blood》जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें