Chapter 13: Laura

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It's been over a week. Wyatt knows who Kara's father is and he was still left confused about it emotionally. All that could be said was that the information on who the child's father was and it was gravely shocking.

Regardless, Wyatt and Carla were expecting some company and it was the kind that Carla didn't want Kara involved in. They had until sundown so it was up to Carla to find a good daycare center to put her daughter in.

First stop was a local place.

"So, I'm just gonna need a copy of her birth certificate and we can talk money after." Said a middle aged blonde woman.

"On second thought, maybe this isn't the best place for my daughter." Said the CyberHuman before leaving with her daughter.

Carla made a few more stops but she faced similar problems. Dead ends. She sighed when arriving back at Wyatt's house.

Wyatt walked in and looked at the frustrated woman and asked, "Dead ends?"

"Dead ends! Come on, Wyatt, how am I gonna find a place that won't question where we come from?"

"Not sure there is such a place. But maybe you could hire a babysitter." Suggested the man with a cyber arm.

"I'm not sure if I can leave my baby with a babysitter." Said the exhausted mother. She looked at Kara who made a mermaid using clay.

"Look mama, I made a mermaid." Said the jovial child. "That's great honey, can I see it?" Asked a smiling Carla before her daughter handed the hand sculpted mermaid to her.

Carla inspected it and praised her daughter before giving the mermaid back.

"Not sure how she got the scales on the tail." Carla said as she was impressed with what her daughter had done.

"That's one smart kid, Carla. Kudos. You know what parenthood is like and you don't wanna let go of it."

"Yeah. She's my little angel and I'd rather die than let anything ruin her life."

"Same with Erin and Eddie. Those two are what I have to live for and without them, I'll die."

"Never thought being a parent would do this."

"Well it did." He said before they both started laughing.

A knock was heard on the door before the two shot up. There's no way the agents were coming so early. Carla went to the door with red eyes before opening.

"Wow, cool lady, those red eyes really look awesome." Said a young teenage girl. She had red and blue hair. If you haven't guessed it, it's Eight Thirty Four.

"Hi, my name's Laura. My dad and I just moved here and I wanted to meet the neighbors." Said the CyberHuman with a smile.

"Hi Laura, I'm Carla. Welcome to the neighborhood." Greeted Carla. "Who's that mama?" Asked a shy Kara who slowly approached her mother. Laura saw the girl and squealed. "Oh my god!! She's so cute!!"

"She is isn't she? Laura, meet my little girl, Kara."

"Hi Kara, I'm Laura. Wanna play with me?" Asked the young CyberHuman. Hearing the word play and seeing a genuine smile, Kara agreed without hesitation.

"I'm sorry Laura but I need to find a daycare center to drop Kara off at." Said Carla as she picked her daughter up.

"Wait, wouldn't it be better if I babysit Kara. That way you can pick her up quickly or I can bring her back here for you." Suggested Laura. "You make a tempting offer."

"I'll do it for free. I never had a sister and I was hoping that maybe Kara could help me gain the experience of having one."

"You really want to babysit her don't you?"

"Please, I promise you'll have nothing to worry about."

"Okay, Kara, I'm leaving you with Laura so you can play with her."

"Yay!!" Kara yelled in happiness before her mother gave her to Laura.

"When should I be back with her?" Laura asked. "Be back at seven thirty." Carla told Laura before the two walked off to the neighbouring yard.

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