Chapter 19: Eight Hundred and Thirty

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They were forced to move on. Carla had to take care of a CyberHuman interloper who had ruined their meeting and plans. Right now Wyatt was in a plane with the CyberHuman Takedown Unit worrying about the female CyberHuman.

"Sir, we're reaching the drop point soon." One of the soldiers told him. He looked at them. Now wasn't the time to be a worry wart, now was the time for action. "Game faces people! We're jumping out of here and we're landing at the top of Umbrachrono's main base! There's no guarantees that all of you will be coming back alive! We lost a valuable person who could help us take down these CyberHumans.

Remember, hit hard and got fast! EMPs won't work on these CyberHumans! Our mission is to disable their defense system so the rest of the army can storm the base and send it and everyone in it straight to hell!!

If any of you want to stay behind, I'll have no problem! But if any of you thinks of pulling out after committing, you'll have hell to pay! So those who are in, jump with me! Those who aren't can stay behind!!"

The cargo door then opened. "This is it, move move move!! Let's take down those terrorist assholes!!" Wyatt ordered before everyone jumped out with him following after them."

In the bunker where Eight Thirty Four was in, a figure walked in. This was the King, also known as CyberHuman Eight Thirty Three.

"Welcome back father." Said the young CyberHuman to which her leader looked at her. "It's good to be back. Has the others reported back yet?"

"Eight Thirty Five and Eight Thirty Nine haven't reported back. Eight Thirty Six, Seven and Eight however reported their missions successful and are on their way here as we speak."

"Good, but there's something off about Eight Thirty Five and Eight Thirty Nine. Send Eight Thirty Six to get them. I don't like rogue agents." Ordered the King.

"I will do so." "And daughter, what of the child of Eight Thirty One?"

"She's fast asleep. She has no idea what's going on and she just thinks this is some plain old bunker. She's safe and sound in my room."


The CHTU landed on the roof of Umbrachrono's base undetected. There was still the off chance that the terrorist organization knew they were coming so that called for extra caution.

They stumbled across an air vent and they were going to use it as their way in but they were stopped by their leader. Wyatt took a small rock that was on the roof before dropping it in. As he watched to rock fall, he saw it vanish as it was disintegrated.

"As I thought. We have to find another way in. Follow me." Wyatt said before the unit followed behind him as he left to the edge of the roof.

"Hook yourselves soldiers, we're gonna break some windows getting in."

"Going in through the windows. That's some quick thinking Wyatt, but I'm not going down easily." An unmasked Eight Thirty Three smirked as he sat behind a computer monitor.

He pressed a button before saying, "Engage defense systems."

As soon as the unit broke in the alarms went off. "Okay guys, you know your roles. Omega team, follow me to the control room. Alpha team, stop the defense system from killing us." Wyatt barked the orders before the two groups split up.

Omega team was marching to the lower floors while Alpha team kept giving them cover and shooting down any security drones that would show up to stop them.

All that could be heard behind Wyatt as he ran were three things...

The first being his own pulse.

The second being gun shots fired by the drones and his men.

The last thing he heard was bodies dropping along with clanging and crashing.

He was scared. Not of death but of leaving his family behind as he died. Wyatt kept soldiering on. They had only gone down ten floors. They lost fifteen of the thirty in Alpha team and they lost seventeen of the twenty five people in Omega team, Wyatt included.

Members of the CyberHuman Takedown Unit were dropping like flies and Wyatt was beginning to doubt that he'd make it.

"I'm done toying with them. Defense systems down. Open facility and activate Project Res-Cyber." Eight Thirty Three said as he pushed a few buttons.

"Time to see how they deal with an army."

The army attacking the base from the outside noticed the defense system deactivate along with it opening up.

"They did it, let's move in and take these bastards down!!" Said an American general. Before the all the military groups moved in.

Wyatt noticed the defense system fall. He found this off. He stopped and everyone else stopped behind him.

"Something's wrong." Wyatt said.

He noticed many glowing dots in the darkness. They were at human height.

I commend you on breaking in here Wyatt. Too bad you didn't get the base where I'm hidden.

His eyes widened. He had a feeling. He  for some reason knew this was a trap.

I wanted to come down and play, but I'm afraid you have a gauntlet level to clear first. I wouldn't count these guys as slimes but maybe a mid level boss stage. Have fun dealing with the first ones.

"What do you mean by first ones?!!" Wyatt asked out loud.

The CyberHumans before Carly Kyber. Have fun dealing the Eight Hundred and Thirty people that Grey killed. They're less human and more Cyber now, so have fun. The cavalry arrived so you should stand a fighting chance. Good luck.

He couldn't believe it. All Eight hundred and thirty CyberHumans that came before Carla. He looked at them before he yelled, "Ruuuunnnn!!!!"

He and a few others ran as the CyberZombies chased after them.

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