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It's 8. I'm late and praying to god Winter didn't notice. I walk through the main doors, getting a feeling of tension. 

"F.R.I.D.A.Y? W-Where is everyone?", I ask feeling discomfort. 

"Well, Mr. Parker, Everyone was down here an hour or 2 ago. Mr. Rogers is in his room, Mr. Stark is in a place I am not allowed to disclose, Bucky is in his room also, and Winter is in the training room." 

"Well, what happened? It feels I don't know, u-unwelcoming.", I said looking around the lobby.

"There was a rather large disagreement a few hours ago. No-one has left their quarters since. Winter, however, hasn't stopped training in hours. I sense a burn out araising by checking her heart rate and other stats.", I looked over to the training door and walked towards it with a look of confusion. I tugged on it but it wouldn't open. 

"Winter has requested I let no one in, Mr. Parker.", F.R.I.D.A.Y. says. I look up to the ceiling. 

"Over-ride her commands, we both know with her anxiety it isn't good for her to be alone after the said disagreement.", apparently, she agreed and I heard the door click open. 

I walked into the training rooms hallway and began walking towards the small grunts and thumps I heard. Cautiously, I looked up from my feet to see her by the punching bag, eyes green as she was punching the bag harder and harder with each punch. 

"Winny?", I asked looking at her aggressive form. 

"Winter?", I said as she punched got harder I walked up to her trying to divert her attention. I looked at her hands, which were covered in blood due to her not having any protection for her knuckles. I began pulling her back into my chest. 

"Winny..", I continued saying her name as she tried to get out of my grasp, grunting using all of her power to get away. Her arms were flailing all around as she wanted to get back to her punching her anger and sadness out. Soon, her grunts turned into sobs as she fell into my chest. 

I sat on the ground against the wall with her against my chest as she cried. 

"Shhhh its ok, I'm here now.", I said trying to comfort her as she buried my head into her chest as if she was shielding herself from the rest of the world. This was short lived as she began to stand up and try to get out of my grasp wiping her tears as if it never happened. 

"You don't always have to be strong darling, something like this.... y-you don't have to be strong all the way through whatever is happening.  Cause I'm here to pick up the pieces when you fall.", she looked up at me as I looked into her eyes as if I was searching for an answer. I got my answer when her eyes welled up and she ducked her head into my chest. 

"There ya go baby, shhhh. You're ok love,", i continued saying as i held her to my chest, looking up wondering how someone could get her to this point.

She didnt deserve this.

STITCH - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now