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{2 months later}


"PETER, WINTER QUIET DOWN!", I yelled between the walls. Its become quite a habit with them. But, I'm not complaining, she is making a friend her age. 

"S-SORRY MR. ROGERS! W-WE WILL T-TURN ON THE NOISE CANCELERS. Jarvis, b-block all sound from getting out of the room.", I heard Peter say followed by a giggle from Winter. I cracked a smile and got a good rest, knowing my best girls getting comfortable here.


"We n-never fail do get caught, do we?", I laughed at here with a tad of nerves. Although I've known her for a while, the nerves were still there as I noticed myself getting real feelings. 

-Can we watch a comedy now?-, she said with puppy eyes. We had been watching Si-Fi every Friday night for 2 months now. I looked at her and nodded a small blush creeping up onto my cheeks. I popped in the only comedy we had at the moment, Central Intelligence. 

-That's my favorite you know?-, she signed and laughed. I laughed along with her putting my hand up on the back of the couch feeling myself fall into a deep sleep.


"Knock, knock kid its time for speech. Give 2 knocks if yes.", I heard Steve say. I gave 2 knocks, used to our normal system. Over the months we have got adjusted to how to live, along with that being a system where I don't have to use an alarm clock, due to them freaking me out.

I looked to my right to see Peter, he must have fallen asleep in my room instead of his. I got up quietly and got changed. I opened the door as quietly as possible and made my way to the kitchen seeing Bucky facing the sink. I thought of my options. Well, either I could tap his shoulder and sign hi or jump on his back. The answer was obvious. I ran up and jumped on his back. His reflexes kicked in, assuming it was me, and putting his hands on my thighs spinning in circles. 

"And just what is my best girl doing jumping on my back at 10 in the morning? Where are we off too? Speech?", he asked although he knew the answers. I pointed to the steps and he ran up gripping me a bit tighter to ensure I didn't fall. As we got up to the door he turned to the side so I could knock. Steve opened the door and smiled. 

"So now I know why I heard so much ruckus.", steve smiled as I hopped off Bucky's back down to the floor. They try to make these classes as enjoyable as possible, due to it being a hard and frustrating process. 

"Alright, kid new day. If it goes wrong you have 3 hours of training after this to take all that anger out." Bucky giggled. I smiled and agreed. 

I'm doing good, well I think, I got the alphabet down, a few letter combos, and a bunch of nouns. All together doing pretty good for being 2 months in.

"Read this through Win, just as a warm up a few new words in there.", i nodded and cleared my throat.

"D-dog. Cat. Z-Zeb-brea. C-Cand-del. Ap-p-ple. Ba-na-na-na.", i spoke and looked up proud.

"You even got the new words doll!! Great job we will be there in no time.", they both gave high-fives. Although I have quite the stutter, that can be repaired. 

{2 hours later}

"Last word then training ok? Read this out.", i looked at the word and thought.

"E-El-Elephant.", we all jumped up and laughed. 

"You practically have all the nouns down doll.... tomorrow we start with the useful words.", i smiled.

And signed thank you to them and gave them hugs and ran down stairs to the training room, seeing Clint and Natasha already warming up with a few laps. I waved at them and joined in. 

"How was speech kid??", Clint asked i nodded as if i said good. We stopped and ran to the punching bags. 

{30 minutes later} 

"HARDER KID, DO IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT", Nat said circling around my figure. "ONE MORE MINUTE KID C'MON.", she said with agressivness. We decided to do a power round as you could say. 30 minutes straight of just me and the punching bag. I did i side spin and kicked my leg out to finish it off. She clapped. 

"Yes kid great.", she gave me a high five and saw a bit of confusion in my eyes. 

"Whats up kid." , i looked at her and finger spelled out (she only picked up finger spelling) -i want to use my powers- she looked at me and smiled. 

"One day soon we are saving them up, then we can train you with them, promise.",she smiled. 

All of a sudden the power went out.

"What the hell?", she said as we both circled looking at the ceiling. Its imposible to get the lights out in this complex. I ran out the door and looked out the window, Nat following. 

"No one elses are out?", she said with a questioning tone. I nodded then we heard a crash she jumped out infront of me pulling me into the training room. 

She pulled out her phone calling Tony. "Was that you?", she asked. As she talked to him i saw her face drop. 

"Hey kid, we may need to use those powers today. Tony get everyone accounted for." , she said to me and Dad. 

-Whats happening?-, i spelt out. 

"Someones in here, someone who shouldnt be.", i looked up at her with wide eyes.

"What?", i spoke out shock taking over. Her eyes went wide, partially at hearing my voice for the first time, also partly a the fact someone broke in. 

No one has ever broke in.

STITCH - peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now