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"C'mon, we have been at it for hours. Why are you pushing yourself? We have", I got interrupted by F.R.I.D.A.Y. ,  looking at the frustrated girl with sympathy. 

"Mr. Barnes, my apologies for the interruption, but Mr. Stark along with the rest of the team are in the main lobby. Mr. Stark has requested to see you.", I looked up, about to say thank you but before I could, Winter got up and ran out the door. 

"Thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y.", I said then began walking down the steps. 

"Kid, get off me. What's wrong with you calm down, god.", I heard Tony say. I reached the final step seeing Winter slowly backing up from Tony, tears threatening to fall.

Steve walked up to Tony as I went to Winter, trying to give her a hug. She shook her head and signed, -I don't need sympathy.  I'm fine.-, she signed quickly and walked up to her room, the slamming of the steel door ringing all throughout the tower.

I looked from the steps to Steve, seeing him stare holes into Tony. 

"What?", Tony said with a look of oblivion.

"I know your new to this parenting thing, and I know absolutely nothing, but I know you don't do that to a kid. Especially not one that has gone through the shit that winter has.", Steve said. My eyes widened as I heard the swear word seeing his face turn red.

As Tony was about to speak we heard footsteps going down the stairs, dragging everyone's attention to the person. It was winter, in her training uniform walking to the door. She put her hand on the security pad and the doors opened. 

Tony looks over to the door and begins walking over to it with an aggravated look on his face. "Let her go, she needs time now... thanks to you.", Steve says and walks up the stairs. Natasha, who was just leaning against the wall, has rolled her eyes at Tony and walked away. I begin to walk towards where Steve is going when Tony decided to speak up.

"Maybe, if she knew how to take hurtful words, she wouldn't have overreacted. If you all wouldn't have treated her like a piece of damn glass, we wouldn't be here. Now, let me guess shes down there, probably crying instead of training.", Tony says. Before Tony could even finish his final word steve was already down the stairs giving Tony a punch to the cheekbone. 

"She's a kid. But right now, she's acting like more of an adult than you. F.R.I.D.A.Y show us what's happening right now in the training room. ", Steve said as Tony seemed to begin to realize what he has done. 

"Of course, Mr. Rogers.", F.R.I.D.A.Y. says as he pulls up a holograph of the training room security footage. It shows Winter looking at the wall. She stares for about a minute then does an ariel then a kick into the punching bag. The bag turns green then starts stinging. She looks up at the camera and gives us the middle finger and she goes over to the weights and begins doing twice her body weight. 

"She-", Tony begins but Steve cuts him off, completing his sentence. "Yes, Anthony, she heard that." We all walked off and I walked up to my room, quickly locking the door, requestion F.R.I.D.A.Y. to show me what Tony is doing. All i see is tony sitting in the middle of the floor, face in hands, making it evident he messed up.

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