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*This chapter has brief mentions of anxiety, flashbacks and some about torture. If this triggers you, when you see the bolded text, please skip to the next chapter and disregard that.*


Ok, I knew I had powers.... but this? When did this happen? Might as well use it now. I looked at 9 of the men standing in the same general area and life the ground beneath them, I stretch out my hands towards the men making them stick together, and then somehow changed it blue and tazed them when I questioned in my mind where my tazor was. 

I looked over to nat, both of us having the same expression on our faces, shock.

"Well, kid looks like ur making my job easier.", she said as she walked over to the men giving each a nice kick or punch in the face. 

"Don't come back.", I heard her mumble, and she walked over to me.

"Where else are you covering, seems snowflake over here has got most of this under control.", Nat said. I scoffed and giggled at the nickname. 

"YOU LET HER USE HER POWERS?", I heard 3 angry voices scream through her comns. I immediately recognized the voices of the 3 men who would be lecturing me tonight. Steve. Bucky. and Tony. 

I heard a nervous laugh coming from Tony followed with him saying he has a floor covered. 

Before you knew it, all the floors were clear and everyone was staring at what I had done to the men in front of us. 

"How the hell-", Tony starts but then gets cut off by a man with a voice deeper than Thors. I looked around me thinking, hey maybe that is Thor. He wasn't in sight so I nudged Bucky and signed under his hand -where is Thor, is that him?-, he felt my hand motions and shook his head looking up.

"You think HYDRA could stop coming here ya know, after how many times we beat your asses.", Tony stays staring at a man. I moved slightly so I could see the man, who looked somehow familiar. 

"Rember me?", he asked with an evil grin as he pulled out a dirty needle and thread. Suddenly it felt as if I was pushed back and into a different world. 

*If you think topics about brief, anxiety, torture, and flashbacks will trigger you, please stop here and continue to the next chapter. This part is not very intense at all but just take precaution if this worry applies to you.*

Suddenly I saw a hang come down near my face, holding a needle with some wires attached to the back. 

"Don't worry it will only hurt a lot.", I started screaming and flailing my arms all around as I heard clatters and voices along with screaming from the man.

I couldn't step out of the dream world but I heard Bruce, somehow. 

"Winter, he is gone, they got him taken care of. Calm your breathing.", I heard him say. I looked up and saw him saying it tied up in a corner. I screamed wanting to get him free. 

"WINTER!", I heard someone yell... someone who sounded like Steve, "Tony, for god's sake, call Peter and get him here now." 

That was the last thing I heard, then everything went black.

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