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"NO!! WINNY THAT'S NOT THE BEST ONE IM TELLING YOU! NO....", I heard from down the hall. I jumped out of bed and stomped down the hallway to the door with all the ruckus. I stopped at the door with posters all over it, assuming it was Winters. When did she get all those posters?

I knocked and opened the door, not caring for an answer. 

"Winter why are you yelli-", I looked up and saw Peter and Winter sitting on the floor in front of the TV with shocked eyes staring up at me. 

"Why are you kids up? Pete, why are you not home? Wait? What's going on?", I asked looking at Peter for an answer.

"W-Well Mr. Stark, I w-wanted to introduce Winn- I mean Winter to Star Wars. I just kind of assumed I could stay in my room, well what was so post to be my room for the night. May doesn't care if I do I assumed y-you wouldn't either. ", Peter said looking at me with nervous eyes. 

I jumped out of the trans I was in, going back to reality. "Yeah...yeah, I really don't care. Just... uhhhh... no funny business and-"

-We just met, Dad-, Winter signed. I ignored that and started to turn. 

"Oh and by the way, either go to bed or don't be so loud. Its 4 in the morning and Winter you have speech and training right after in the morning.", I said and shut the door, seeing Winter sign 'good night' out of the corner of my eye. I walked back to bed trying to just remember the position I fell asleep in forgetting all of what just happened.


"That was weird.", I said and looked at Winter. She nodded looking quite confused. "Well, I better go to bed. We can maybe have another movie night tomorrow, but you need to sleep."\


I nodded and signed good night and he looked at me with a blush standing up -good night-

He walked out and I looked at the wall and smiled... he learned it for me.

A/N keep commenting and voting i love that you guys are enjoying this. Next chapter will be a bit longer :)

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