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{2 weeks after surgery}


"Alright, Winny try to make this sound... this is going to be the letter d ready.... de, de.", Steve repeated I looked up a little sound coming out, it was there, the letter d, just not loud. 

"Win you're doing great! We will be there in no time. Buck wants to come in and help too, is that ok?", Steve asked looking at me with a small smirk. I gave him the thumbs up as he motioned Bucky in. 

"Winter!!! You look great!", Bucky said with genuine happiness. I smiled as he sat next to me giving me a light kiss on the forehead, a habit the two boys had seemed to pick up, and put his arm on the back of the couch.

"Win, what do you want your first phrase to be, hun?", Steve asked looking between buck and i.

-I like you.-, I signed. They looked a bit stunned and looked at each other then back at me.

"Is there someone special we need to know about?", Bucky asked. My mind drifted to peter. It was weird, I didn't talk to him much but I felt something some kind of connection that I thought was me liking him, but yet again, I wouldn't know. I was just in an orphanage.

I shook my head realizing I took too long to answer. I look up from my hands to see their stares. Feeling awkward and trying to avoid the conversation, I quickly signed I was going to get food and walked out and to the kitchen.

 I got downstairs to the fridge and got some mashed potatoes. Although you may think I could just eat anything because the surgery was done, my stomach isn't ready for just everything yet. So I'm stuck with bland soft foods. Don't get me wrong though, the flavors were amazing. A lot better than the feeding tubes because well, I couldn't taste anything.

I took a scoop out of the massive bowl of mashed potatoes only to hear a cabinet open. I turn expecting it to be just Steve or Bucky, but it was Peter. He looked at me with wide eyes, realizing I have now seen him. 

"Oh- OH, Hey W-Winny. Can I have some too?", he said referring to the bowl of mashed potatoes. I smirked letting out a soft giggle putting some in his bowl.

"Hey, U-Um have you seen Star Wars? Mr. Stark told me to take the day off and just chill here since school starts back soon, w-well not soon, in 2 months. Break just started actually. I-I just wanted to find a reason because he didn't give me a-"

I cut him off with a snap of my fingers pointing to my face nodding. 

"Perfect let's go your going to love it I promise.....", as Peter babbled on I thought about the current situation. 2 teenagers with bowls of mashed potatoes about to watch star wars. Not traditional but yet.... almost perfect.

A/N keep voting and commenting to get the next chapter :))

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