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I walked up to his door completely dressed for tonight. I really don't know why I'm not waiting for my date instead I'm here in front his door. Maybe I wanted to rub it in his face that I'm a grown woman who can be reliable and responsible. I don't want him to look at me and see me as a failure. I want him to see me and be able to count on me. I've never wanted someone's approval as much as I do with him. I knew it was late but he definitely would be here. I swear that man has no life. I knocked on the door waiting for acknowledgement as I felt my heartbeat speed up.

"Enter," his command rung in my ears sending a shiver throughout my body. I shook my head in disbelief as I muttered, "Only him."

"Miss Jones," he acknowledged without glancing up.

I stared at him wide eyed, " How did y-," but I stopped mid air thinking of something. "Do you have hidden cameras outside the hall? Oh my Gosh! Imagine how many embarrassing things you must have seen." I palmed myself thinking about the time I sat crying, or when I fixed myself before knocking and even when I paced outside his office cursing him to hell. Even the time I was walking behind him and deliberately mocking him and giving him my monkey faces.

Oh kill me now!

"I can assure you Miss Jones that I don't have hidden cameras. And as for me knowing of your presence, no person but yourself is insane enough to enter this area without my permission."

Oh thank God. Phew!

I smiled flustered, "Well, that's good to know." I whispered out softly.

By the way he snapped his eyes towards me, I knew he heard. I flushed red instantly as I stood awkwardly in the middle of his office.

"To what do I owe this interruption Miss Jones," he asked getting straight to the point.

"Well," I sat down on top of his desk but the deadly look he gave me made me reconsider my options before finally deciding to sit on the seat. "As I was saying, I'm going to get more details about the case tonight."

"And why is that?" He asked returning to his work.

"Well, I'm going on a date tonight and I wanted to see you before I go," I stopped realizing how stupid I sounded. "I really don't know why I came," I said laughing nervously. I stood up, "Anyways, I'm going to go now," I pointed to the door.

An idea came to my mind and I smirked deviously. "Before I go I wanted to ask you opinion on how I looked," I said as I unveiled the coat from over my dress. I watched as his eyes scanned me dangerously slow. His face hardened each time his eyes went lower.

"You don't like it," I asked taking in his facial reaction. Disappointment fell all over me at that moment. I guess it was a bad idea coming here in the first place. I bent down to grab my coat but a deep gutteral groan made me snap my attention towards him in an instant.

"Come here Miss Jones," he said to me.

Can this poor heart take anymore?

I swiftly grabbed the coat on the floor before getting up and walking over to him. With each step I took, I could feel my heartbeat increasing ten folds.

Calm down, just calm down Rosa. It'll be alright.

When I finally reached him, I was beyond breaking point. All I wanted to do was to curl up in a ball and cry but I knew he would reprimand me. He didn't, in the slightest, liked being around weak persons. It was not in him to tolerate such emotions. For being weak to him is just an emotion that people allow to become dominant. He didn't like to associate with that kind.

I stopped in front his desk. He gave me an icy stare which increased the more I stood looking at him. Realization dawned on me that he wanted me to come around the desk to him. I walked around to him and stopped just inches away.

"Sit," he ordered yet I looked around and there was nothing to sit on. So I did the only logical thing I could think of which I knew he wasn't going to like very much.

I sat on top of his desk.

He gave me a look that was colder than the bottom of the deepest ocean.

Where else did the bastard expect me to sit!

"Not there Miss Jones," he patted his lap and gestured, "here."

My heart beat stopped for a millisecond before my cheeks began to heat up.

Not again.

I stood up leaving the coat on his desk but in an instant I was sitting again but only this time on his legs. It took me a while to grasp what just happened. The fact that Mr Richards pulled me on him the moment I got up.

My body had landed in an oof with my head face first to his chest. I didn't move my head but instead molded my head deeper in his chest. I didn't like the way I responded so easily to him.

"Eres tan inseguro ¿Por qué?" He lifted my head to look at him.
[Eres tan inseguro ¿Por qué?: You're so insecure. Why?]

He moved a strand of hair from my face before speaking low but not in the slightest manner softly.

"I want that case solved tonight," he demanded.

I was astonished. I tried to get up off him in disbelief but he locked onto my waist and dared me to get up and challenge him.

"You're unbelievable!" I exclaimed. He couldn't expect me to do this in one day. I only just got a lead. How was I supposed to get this thing done so quickly. But then I remembered why I did this in the first place. It was for myself. To prove to him that I have the potential to do anything. I didn't want him to view me as a hapless figure. I craved his acceptance.

"Okay," I exhaled. This will be solved even if I have to use every thing in the books.

He loosened his grip on me and I took that as a sign to stand. "You may leave," he said.


I picked up my coat from his desk and walked out of his office. I pressed the elevator button and got in before pressing the ground floor.

Ben wanted to pick me up at my home but I didn't want him there so I decided we should meet up at the company entrance and go together from there. He had been a little confused as to why I wanted to meet up there but I just used the excuse of having to drop off something before I went with him.

It wasn't long before he arrived in a luxurious car. It was flashy and bright and I expected no less from him. He was Ben after all and attention was food to him. He stepped out of the car and came over to my side.

"Hey gorgeous," he commented. I acknowledged him by only looking but then I remembered what I was supposed to do tonight. A smile graced my face as I pretended to shy away from his compliment.

"You ready?" He asked as he opened the door for me. I smiled and nodded as I got inside the car. He then closed the door and walked around to his side. I sighed out and glanced up to the magnificent building.

The things I do for him.

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