Chapter 53

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My black combat boots are sinked into the mud. The crescent moon provides puny light yet offers more compared to the stars. Only the bright headlights reviving from the three parked cars shine on us, casting our five shadows upon the ground. I stand in the middle with Damon and Rebekah on one side of me, and Jackson and Elijah on the other.

Rose's vigorous chuckle still sounds in the night. And her silhouette finally appears, stood merely 50 feet away in the empty field. The thick layer of fog uncovers her, and the reflected moonlight shines on her high cheekbones, showcasing her face. A satisfied grin plays about on her lips. Her bright green eyes locate mine.

I clench my jaw - our eyes locked. "I don't know why you just didn't appear out of the blue the day you had the chat with Camille. You could've just came and... got it yourself." I shrug in challenge.

"I wanted to be more civilized than that, hun." She has a slight accent, the same tone that played the other night to Damon's near-death. Though it's tough for me to gather where the accent's from.

I watch her bright eyes flick across the five of us aligned. "I see you brought others with you. I should have figured that..." She says calmly.

My eyes narrow and I take a step toward her direction. Elijah's firm grip gently stops me from doing so. I glance down to the grasp he has on my arm. "What are you doing?" I whisper angrily.

"Remember what I told you? I gave you my word..." he says firmly.

"Well this is me giving you mine; I'm going to kill her. And I won't let her take any of you down," I state, my eyes glancing across the four others. "She wants to be 'civilized', then she wouldn't dare to touch any of you..."

"And you believe her?!" I hear Damon ask in disbelief, I meet his gaze, his brows furrowed and bright blue eyes blazing.

No. No I don't. I said it because I know she's listening from afar.

I don't physically respond to Damon, and continue to march toward Rose.

Her green eyes watch me carefully with every step I take. My own eyes never peel from hers.

I'm determined. I'm angry. She declares for my beating heart - but she won't have it.

Her gaze meets the muddy ground, "that's OK. I brought my own people."

I ignore her and keep going.

From behind her tall thin frame, a second shadow appears that doesn't seem to be her own. A silhouette then casts next to her. There stands visible Rose and another that hasn't yet to show their face.

I hear an exasperated sigh. I keep charging. "Thank you for bringing me back," I hear a deep male voice.

I immediately stop in my tracks. I know that voice.

But it can't be...

Rose said she can bring back the dead....I didn't want to believe her.


The moonlight flicks on his face like a light switch. His pearly white teeth plaster in a devilish, knowing smile. Kai stands firmly on Rose's side.

I can't even breathe his name. I can't even speak.

But a good moment I watch him standing there, his chocolate brown eyes watching me steadily, my jaw sets - I ball my fist - and charge. I run.

I hear others behind me speed after, and I don't know whether they're pacing to stop me or attack the enemies. But I block them out. And I reach Kai - throwing all my force onto his strong figure and knocking him down.

His hard body is beneath me and I'm targeting his chest - wanting nothing but to yank his heart out. I glance at his veined neck, pulsing with blood, and think I should rip his head off instead.

He starts to struggle beneath me, my hands gripped beyond tight around his neck. He chokes, and I watch his lips curve into a deadly smile. Anger surges within me. Why is he smiling?! I squeeze the hold I have on him tighter. But then I remember:


Suddenly a forceful hit slams against my head, and my body is thrown back, freeing Kai. I hit the ground, hard, and groan from the pain. If I was hit just a tad bit differently, maybe by the course of force; I would've landed on my stomach.

Now, I'm really angry.

I sit up, preparing to stand and continue the fight. I scan around the misty field. Elijah is throwing a tough punch at Rose's jaw, Damon threw Kai on the muddy ground, as Rebekah and Jackson each fight off two dark figures that I can't place. There's more?

I grunt and stand on my own two feet, right when Rebekah plunges out a heart from an enemy's chest. The blue eyed Mikaelson immediately rushes over to Elijah to help by his side.

My eyes flick across the perimeter and between everyone grunting and throwing punches. For a second I don't know who to charge after. There are blurs of bodies being thrown and alerting sounds of thuds - as if many are being thrown onto the ground.

My furious eyes locate Damon's piercing blue pair, and something crosses his face, unreadable - before he gives me a half nod - and I know that he's OK handling Kai. I nod understandably, and glare in Rose's direction. Elijah has thrown her onto the muddy ground, while Rebekah is getting ahold of her skinny neck. I charge in their direction.

Hayley Marshall: UncontrollableWhere stories live. Discover now