Chapter 13

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Still on my knees unto the wooden floor in the den, another tear slips down my cheek.

They're still gone: Davina, Kol, and Klaus. I don't know where they took him, or where they disappeared to. All I am acknowledging at this very moment is that Klaus has been daggered with the exact dagger that put his brother Kol, asleep for centuries.
And now the same thing happened with Klaus... leaving me inevitably hurt, and in complete shock.

Elijah and Rebekah remain by my side when they too, fell onto their knees in shock, and to comfort me.

"Where'd they take him?" I begin as my heart feels as if it's literally splitting into two, angrier than I have ever been.

"I cannot say I acknowledge the location, but we will find him," Elijah answers first, gliding his hand onto my shoulder, comforting me.

"We will." Rebekah reassures.

There's a quiet moment before I stand onto my own two feet and walk upstairs to get to the nursery Klaus and Elijah had made for my unborn child.

I hear footsteps quicken behind me as I go up the stairs. It doesn't take but five seconds for Rebekah and Elijah to reach either side of me, now with the two siblings walking by my side.

I don't say a word, for my thoughts streaming in my mind takes over, and my heart aches in agony as I feel lost, not knowing how to search for Klaus considering he was taken by not one, but two witches... meaning he's most likely cloaked.

Even if, we wouldn't have a witch to find him. Sophie Deveroux is no longer with us, and we wouldn't stand a chance with Davina nor Kol- even considering that they themselves are the enemy. It feels as if we're running out of options.

-Unless it's just the inevitable pain and shock talking.

Now entering in the nursery, I walk towards the baby crib.
I let out a sigh as I'm feeling frustrated by the fact that Kol and Davina had taken Klaus from me and his family, and now neither of us have the slightest clue as to where he is.

My vision appears blurry again, from the tears threatening to pour. That is, when I stare into the room and it hits me that he's gone. And now is when I need him the most. When we need him most.

This is all such a terrible feeling. Klaus is gone, and I begin wondering if this pain and agony is just the beginning.

All I can think about is my anger towards Kol and his psycho girlfriend or whatever they are.

Knowing that this isn't good for the baby; all this sobbing and confusion- I need to break- to vent.
Even when if hurts, we have to begin our search for Klaus, we must move fast and never stop looking.

"Where do we start?" Rebekah questions directly towards me than Elijah. Before I think to shrug in return, I instead cross my arms over my chest and take in a deep breath.

"Maybe we can find a way to track down Davina. I am assuming Kol is staying with her or something and if so, Klaus is with them."

"That's it, we find Davina and Klaus should be there. So we're gonna need a witch." Rebekah agrees, standing beside Elijah.

"It always comes down to the need of a witch," Elijah formally adds.

I let out a sigh and Rebekah steps towards me, "I will not let you down, Hayley. Klaus is our family too." She corners a grin and I offer a small smile in return, and nod.

Now is when I should think to be pessimistic, especially.

Just before the two exit the room, I stop them.

"We're not gonna let a witch do our work for us. This time, we find Klaus." I state and they nod understandably.

"No matter how long this search bloody takes, we never give up." Rebekah adds and I mentally agree before the two Mikaelson's exit the room.



7.30.17 *UPDATE*
I don't know how long I'll have wifi for though, but as soon as I'll have it... I WILL NEVER LET YOU WOFIES/VAMPS DOWN AND NEVER STOP WRITING <3

Anyway, loves please don't forget to vote.

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