Chapter 43

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Hayley's POV:

Running a frustrated hand through my hair, I rush pass Rebekah and Damon stood in the corridor of the Mikaelson home. I feel their eyes linger on me before they start to follow behind me.

After my first encounter with Rose last night, I witnessed her abnormal strength. I saw the domestic desire in her green eyes for my heart. She knew we couldn't defeat her without many others by our side, so she nearly killed Damon.
She confidently spilled about her raising the dead - anything bad happening is on my hands; or so she wants me to believe.

And when I finally received rest after hours of laying in thought, I know just what to do.

I stop in the living room when I see Elijah. "So Rose wants war. I would reject it and not let it happen. But it needs to. It's going to happen, Elijah. Not any of us can fight her alone, you saw her strength." I declare.

"So what? We call everyone we know to battle?" I hear Damon behind me. I turn.

"I don't see why not." My arched brows raise.

"Maybe that's not such a bad idea." Rebekah defends next to Damon, her brown eyebrows drawn together in thought.

"Whoa, wait." Elijah's gaze averts to mine. "Are you sure about this, Hayley?"

My lips part, "Not everything is up to me, Elijah. But if everyone can agree on it, I think we should." I state firmly.

"It's smart." Damon sides. The blue eyed Mikaelson rolls her eyes. "Anything to do with war is smart to you, Damon."

He scoffs. "Well, yeah..." He mumbles in an obvious manner.

I think for a moment; anyone who would step in to help get rid of Rose. Because she's not getting my heart. This was my fight. This is my fight. But as always, they wouldn't allow me go alone. My hazel eyes glance at each of them stood in front of me - Elijah, Rebekah and Damon.

And I wish I could look at Klaus standing there too. I know, for certain, he wouldn't want me to do this alone just like the others. Actually, I could see him smirking, with his usual grin plastered on his face, his dimples forming and saying "You can do this. Toughen up, Little Wolf." on the other hand. The thought causes a smile to form, but I shake the thoughts away and focus.

Finally, a family friend comes to mind. "Marcel."

The noble Mikaelson instantly nods in understanding. "I'll call him." He begins to walk off when my gentle grip stops him.

I stare into his dark brown eyes. "Thanks." I think of the three of them never leaving handful situations unto myself. He shares a look with me and half nods. Then turns to exit the living room.

"Anyone else?" Rebekah seems to rather say lowly to herself.

"Marcel has his people... shouldn't that be enough including us?" Damon concludes. I shake my head. "Rose claimed she raised the dead. We can't risk it not knowing who will be fighting by her side." Rebekah answers. "And given her strength..."

I zone out and think. I came to New Orleans not knowing many people. Besides from the people I got to meet while I stayed longer; Camille, which can't be involved, considering...

Marcel, which is hopefully already willing to fight. And... who else is there?

"Jackson," I breathe, accidentally out loud. Rebekah's blue eyes trail on mine, and she nods. "We can call Jackson. I mean, I'll call him. He has people too." I add hurriedly.

But I don't want to. I definitely don't want to. The kiss... and the secret that he kept from me all long, the compulsion, the feelings he claimed for me...

My eyes squeeze shut, ridding the memory. Peeling them open, Damon watches me concerned eyes. I look at Rebekah who is doing the same. I force a small smile.

"Hormones." I say. "Excuse me." I dismiss myself from the room and head into the kitchen. Grabbing my cell, I stare at the screen for a moment. Hesitation pulses in my veins. There's more people, I know there is. There's someone else I can call instead.

I purse my lips. And dial. Pulling the phone up to my ear, the other line picks up.

Don't make this awkward. "Jackson!" I begin too high pitched. I hold my breath in mistake. "Jackson." I clear my throat.

The other line is silent, before his familiar voice breaks it. "Hayley? It's you isn't it? I mean, of course it is." He sounds as he's answering himself. "I know you're voice." The line is quiet once more. "Everyone does. What's up?"

I ignore him. "How do you feel about a fight?"


There's a knock on the front door of the Mikaelson's and I go to answer it. Swinging it open, Jackson's tall frame stands on the doorstep - I peek over him to see at least twelve others standing behind him.

"Well..." I begin. "Come in."

All of the werewolves enter, and my gaze meets Damon's. His piercing light blue eyes are crossing each person walking by him. His eyes are wide in confusion with a mix of horror. But Rebekah places a gentle reassuring hand on his shoulder and I watch him relax slightly. I crack a smile watching the two of them.

When Rebekah earlier mentioned it was OK to invite any one of Jackson's or Marcel's people over, I figured that Jack could be useful with his pack. But for Damon, I guess that would take some getting use to. Though I can't blame his worry: a werewolf bite is lethal to a vampire.

Before I can shut the front door behind the last werewolf walking inside, a strong arm holds the door open. A winded Marcel enters the house.

"My apologies, I know I'm late. Had to deal with a couple store clerks." He breathes.

"Please, take your time we have all day." Damon says sarcastically.

"What happened to your people?" I ask lowly.

"I didn't include them. They were too busy trying to keep some wolves out the Quarter." He answers.

When he says it, I remember the gathering that lead me to New Orleans a year ago; Klaus' plan to get the werewolves and vampires on appropriate terms. Which clearly never got to work out.

"Hello to you all." Marcel waves to over everyone standing in the foyer, den and kitchen in front of him. I can see his eyes scanning across the room upon the twelve werewolves.

"Thank you for coming, Marcel." I whisper to him. He smiles brightly in return.

"Now when is this fight?" He asks. I close the front door behind him.

"As soon as possible, we were hoping." Rebekah answers Marcel across the room.

"And whenever we find a witch to locate Rose. As soon as we find her we go." Elijah includes.

Marcel frowns. "And who is this witch you have in mind?"

We stand in silence, looking at one another for an appropriate answer.


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