Chapter 19

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-I suggest you listen to Fix You by Coldplay, the song really dwells with this chapter. Depressing, I know, but that's the point. <3

Hayley's POV:

One more sip.


Last one.


I can't-

Just one more.


I can't get enough... as the blood drips from the bag onto my tongue, it's impossible.

Leaning my head back on the fridge, I take in a sharp breath. Finishing another bag, it falls empty onto the hard wooden floor where I'm seated. My knees are up to my chest as there's one word on my mind.


I must stop, gain self-control again. Just in time, I hear someone walk downstairs.

"Hayley?" Elijah calls out as he doesn't see me yet. He shouldn't have to- see me like this.

"Elijah..." I shout, and he follows my voice into the kitchen, that is, when he spots me sitting on the floor- empty blood bags surrounding me.

His lips part when he stares at me. "Hayley," he sucks in a breath before continuing. "What have you done?" He finishes and I'm mindless for words.

A feeling hits me hard: regret. Watching him look at me with... concern and sympathy, it hurts me.

"Elijah," I begin. "I can't stop." I try blinking away the tears threatening to pour but fail when I feel a tear fall down my cheek.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper, tears helplessly falling. I'm crying now, and it seems like that's been happening to me a lot lately.

Elijah rushes to me only to comfort me, wrapping his arms around me.

I'm an emotional wreck.

Klaus, and my faint sense of control now- everything that's slowly breaking me piles into my head... it's crushing.

"Everything will be alright," Elijah whispers into my ear.

"Just breathe." He tells me.

I take slow breaths in his arms, gaining comfort and, finally for the moment, control.

He gently pulls away from the embrace for his eyes to meet with my own.

"Now, do you want to tell me why you did this?" He whispers softly and I exhale heavily.

"I was hungry," I paused, just when Rebekah entered the kitchen. A gasp escaped her lips as Damon followed behind her.

All eyes land on me. Rebekah's clouded with confusion, but I hunch a touch of disappointment from her. Behind her, Damon's hands are placed on her hips as he watches me, confusion plastering upon his face.

"What the bloody h--" Rebekah stops, her brows raise when her blue eyes lock on mine.

I turn to face Elijah while I'm still on the floor, him sitting next to me. "I came in here to find something, and I didn't know I would find this," I gesture toward the empty blood packets, continuing my explanation.

Hayley Marshall: UncontrollableWhere stories live. Discover now