Chapter 21

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Hayley's POV:

"Can I tell you something?"

I begin, seated at the kitchen table as I watch Jackson mix ingredients over the stovetop, his back facing me.

"Mhm," He sounds, the sizzling of scrambled eggs fill the room.

"I had this dream," My brows raise as I'm in thought, regaining the pieces of memory of a dream that could never be more peaceful.

"What was it about?" Jackson hums, beginning to stir what's in the pan in front of him.

My lips curve into a smile, and I don't realize until I continue.


Jackson turns around to face me, his dark brown eyes locking on my own as he leans over the counter.

"What happened?" He questions quietly.

"We danced," Just then I feel a tear trickling up threatening to fall. "I heard his heartbeat." I crack a smile just at the thought of him.

God, I miss him.

Jackson's eyes cloud with sympathy as he watches me. "Sounds like a nice dream," he adds.

My smile fading, I quickly wipe away the tear just when it was halfway down my cheek. "It was."

"I'm sorry, Hayley. I... I simply can't imagine everything you're going through," Jackson finishes.

Approaching my side, he sits next to me.

"You deserve so much more," he says slowly. "No one- no one should have to go through something as terrible as this."

"I'm a fighter." I shrug when I glance at him, cracking a smile. His eyebrows raise, "Toughest fighter I know." He concludes, causing me to laugh lightly.

"But I must say this is my darkest time, I've never experienced more pain than what's happened-" He places his hand firmly over my shoulder.

"We don't have to talk about it, Hayley. Not if it's too hard." He assures me and I nod.

Glancing at Jackson, he stands up making his way to the stovetop again.
"I feel like I have to," I begin quietly. He peeks over his broad shoulder, his dark eyes meeting with mine. "Have to what?"

"Talk about him."

Just then, Jackson places the food on a plate in front of me. The aroma of breakfast smothering the dining room.

Taking a seat beside me once again, I listen to him.

"I don't know what happened. Elijah informed that you lost someone- someone very close to you... Klaus. And now he's gone?" His brows furrow in concern.

Picking at the eggs in front of me, I suck in a breath before explaining.

"On Christmas, Klaus was taken from us. Right in front of Elijah, Rebekah and I, a dagger pierced into his heart, causing him to enter into a deep sleep- coma more likely. By his own blood... his brother Kol. Perhaps you've heard of him. My first time coming in contact with him and this is what he does: dagger the father of my child," I pause, anger beginning to pipe in my voice.

"We were in love. In fact, Klaus Mikaelson was my first love. The person I'll always love." With that, my small smile fades.

"Davina Claire was working with him. Cloaked themselves and took Klaus away...

Hayley Marshall: UncontrollableWhere stories live. Discover now