Chapter 9

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Hayley's POV:

Walking up to Klaus, there stands an unknown blonde girl behind him as Damon enters in the house as well and I question Klaus.

"Hey... who's she?" I signal for him to look over his shoulder and he does so before grinning.

"Her name is Camille," He walks past me as the stranger -Camille- follows him into the den and Damon wonders off into the kitchen before Klaus continues.

"I found her at a bar as a robbery had taken place, I invited her over to stay just for a bit - she didn't feel comfortable returning home just yet considering the robbery--"

"A robbery?" I arch an eyebrow and Camille nods instead, answering for Klaus.

"Did you know Klaus here, suffers from feminine black outs?" The blonde girl smirks and my eyebrows narrow at her - causing her to straighten up.

"I do not-- Damon decided to joke with the bartender here and she believes his every word." Klaus chuckles and Camille nudges him in his arm, as I stand intrigued for more.

"Camille this is Hayley, Hayley, this is--" Klaus introduces us before I interlude.

"Camille, I know." I stand with my hands resting on my hips and Klaus coughs, "Alright then."

"Please, call me Cami." Camille includes.

"Where is everyone?"

"Elijah is upstairs reading, Rebekah's probably painting her nails, as for her lover boy Damon is in the kitchen and Stefan is upstairs with Elijah as for Marcel returned home." I answer Klaus.

"I heard my name," Rebekah pokes her head out of the hallway entrance and I smile.

"I was just talking about you. Klaus here brought a friend over and I was just getting to know her." I explain towards Rebekah.

"I see. And you are..."

"Camille, but you can call me Cami." She answers the confused blonde Mikaelson now walking into the den.

"Pleasure meeting you, love." Rebekah greets with a widened smile.

Grinning, Cami nods as Rebekah breaks the moment of awkward silence after the greeting, "Camille, you should come with me - you seem like the type who loves to collect coupons!" Rebekah stalls, pulling Cami's arm causing the two girls to disappear into the hallway - leaving only Klaus and I standing in the family den.

I glance at Klaus, "I guess she must've known I wanted a moment with you alone."

Walking towards Klaus, I snake my arms around his neck and embrace him in a hug.

His hands comfort against my back and I crack a smile.

"Tomorrow's my birthday," I whisper and he pulls gently from my embrace.

"It is?"

I nod and a grin begins to form across his face before he leans in to kiss me.

"I almost forgot--" Camille blurts from nowhere, making me jump and my lips quickly pull from Klaus'.

"Oh..." Camille breathes, "You know, I should go..."

I shake my head as she grabs her jacket, "No, we don't mind having you over--"

"It seems to me that now's not a good time for me to intrude, I should probably leave you two--"

"It's fine, really--"

"I'll show myself the way out--"

"I'll walk you out," Klaus states already walking towards the front door - gathering Cami and I's attention.

I cough from the awkward moment Klaus broke the argument but I let him go without a protest.

"Okay... thanks." Cami thanks Klaus as he leads her out onto the front porch before she looks over her shoulder, "Nice meeting you, Hayley."

I offer a smile as I watch the two go outside and I sigh, walking into the kitchen that's open to the den area.

"Did you happen to hear any of that?"

I ask Damon as his mouth is stuffed with potato chips.

"No," He murmurs and I chuckle from the sight.

"Slow down, Salvatore. The food's not going anywhere." I joke and he rolls his piercing light blue eyes at me.


Thanks for reading, I know it's been days since my last update!

Q: 1) Have you seen Ian Somerhalder's eyes?

2) Team Damon or Stefan?

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