Chapter 41

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A gasp sounds in the air. Rebekah, fully alert, watches Damon grunt on the ground. I know she wants to get down to help him, to make sure he's alright. But by the way she's standing next to me, I know she doesn't want to leave my side because as for now, Rose is no longer in sight. And I'm her target.

"Rebekah," I whisper rather abruptly. "Go." I gesture my head for her to check on Damon. She hesitates a moment, very briefly, then runs to squat next to her boyfriend's slouched body. I stand with my fist still tightly clenched.

"Don't hurt them." I demand, my pulse racing.

"What happened to the handsome fella is all your fault. You did after all tell me to come for what I wanted." I hear her giggle in the night. "So I did just that. The heart I desire was behind him... what else could I have done?"

Movement occurs on the side of my eye, and I glance over to see Damon slowly stand on his own two feet as Rebekah watches him with wary eyes. "Damon..." She says to him, barely audible. But his piercing blue eyes throw darts toward the darkened corner the sing-song voice is coming from. I watch his hands ball in fury.

My hazel eyes widen. "You really shouldn't have done that." Rebekah states to the voice, but a grin begins to quirk across her lips.

"Show yourself." Damon begins, his chest rising rapidly.

The vigilant echo of heels click again, but this time, the clicks head closer and closer my way. And as if by only magic, the only flicker of light to shine in the shady valley awakens, and a face appears beneath it.

Rose. Her face finally reveals in the light. Her eyes glinting a forest green, her hair glowing a deep red as the light vigorously hits against it. Just as Camille described her.

I fail to suppress my grin. Just then, Damon charges impossibly fast her way. His hands firmly tighten around her neck as I can get a glimpse of him under the light too. I pace toward the two of them - just when Rose's skinny long fingers enwrap around Damon's - her strength pulling his hands from the grasp he once had on her away. And for a moment, it almost looks like there wasn't any struggle in her doing so. I stop in my tracks, getting a good look at her before I race her way.

Her arm pulls back aiming for Damon's chest, her other single hand gripping the both of Damon's. My eyes widen in horror as I see her strength. I immediately jolt toward her.

Rebekah's figure blurs past me - her speed faster than mine and she launches herself onto Rose. Damon's body crashes up against the brick wall.

I run, faster than I ever have while pregnant, fury and rage pulsing within my blood. But within a blink of an eye, a tall frame stops in front of me, causing me to immediately stop in my path. Damon's thick brows furrow down on me. "Are you crazy?!"

I march and try shoving him out of my way, but his shoulders tense and he doesn't flinch.

"Damon, move." I say angrily. "You saw the strength she had on you. You couldn't defeat her on your own, Damon!" I look past his shoulder and see Rebekah shoving Rose harshly onto a wall, a devilish smile curving on Rose's lips.

"LET ME DO THIS!" I declare, looking up at Damon's eyes.

His nose wrinkles while he looks down at me. "No. Let me." Are his final words before disappearing into the thick air and making his way toward the scene ahead of me. I breathe a heavy breath.

I can't let this happen. It can't go any further. I take a determined step. This can't go on. I watch Rebekah be thrown onto the ground just before Damon throws a punch at Rose's face, squaring her in the jaw. My hand places on my stomach as the desire to step in and help taunts me.

"STOP!" I shout. Rebekah winces in pain, glancing at the blood on her hands from touching the back of her head as her body is sprawled on the ground, I watch her try sitting up. My gaze peels unto Damon and Rose; Rose having her long arm stretched out once more, aiming for Damon's chest. In the sliver of a second, her hand plunges into Damon's chest, Damon's eyes widening in horror and pain. My lips part as I watch, now screaming at the top of my lungs.

"STOP!!!" I yell at Rose, her eyes staring deep into Damon's. I don't even have her attention. Her forearm twists, the cruel sound of Damon's heart in her grip causing my heartbeat to quicken, blood pounds in my ears.

"STOP THIS! NOW!" A familiar deep voice commands from behind me. My attention can't be turned, still directed on Rose and Damon.

Elijah comes from behind me, his chest raising increasingly when he spots Rebekah on the floor, then his eyes linger on Damon's struggling, weak body.

Rose's head turns so quickly, nearly abnormally fast, and stares at Elijah. Her green eyes are dark, malevolent.

Something flickers across her face when she examines Elijah, and I gather that this is exactly what she wants: for all of us to be here.

Her neck twists back to Damon, her concentration now on him as he struggles against her. With her hand still plunged into his chest, everything around me turns silent. There's only the sound of Damon's shallow breaths as he looks into Rose's evil eyes.

I hear her squeeze her hand in his chest. His lips part. His piercing light blue eyes roll. And her hand twists once more... and pulls.

Her hand, covered in dripping blood, appears in view. Damon's heart, still in his chest - her bloody hand empty. Damon gasps for air, his body falls onto the hard ground.

My ears ring. The scene enfolding merely in slow motion.

Damon's OK.

I hurriedly glance toward Rebekah, who is gasping for a steady breath as well.

Rebekah's OK.

Elijah tenses.

Rose's eyes glint with entertainment. "Now. Everyone's here. Shall we get to my favorite part?" Her smooth, taunting voice laces with pure malevolence, her bright green eyes fluttering on mine.


Who else lost their breath on this one?

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