Chapter 1 | A Welcoming Surprise

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"Fifteen minutes?" I cried, throwing my head back. "Michael..." I reached out for him but he kissed his teeth.

"Now you want me to touch you?"

My jaw clenched and I glared at him with so much hate that I wanted to cry afterwards because I felt bad. He shook his head and came over, climbing in the bed with me.

"I'll come back in about ten minutes and if you still want the epidural then we can try for the fifteen minutes okay?" The nurse said but I had smooshed my face into Michael's shirt.

I nodded my head into Michael's chest as his hands tried its best to massage my back. It would do good until another contraction ripped through my body sending me into a heaving, crying, hot mess.

"Doing good Mama," he coached me in my ear not annoying me this time. "You got this."

1 YEAR LATER (After the flashback)

Semaj's POV

I couldn't believe that I almost missed Michael's call and the fact that my phone was on 4% and I was on the opposite side of campus made it worse. Today was the day I wish I had driven, but since I didn't I was dashing across the yard, through the valley, upstairs and occasionally down some. Finally, I was back on the West Campus where the upperclassmen (everyone except freshman) were housed.

Out of breath, tired, and desperately in need to get my phone connected to it's charger I jogged up the steps to the third floor where my quad was. I roomed with three other girls where we shared two bathrooms, two sinks, and a common room that included a small kitchen.

I pushed open the door and the girls were all sprawled out in the living room watching the television.

"Hi, bye!" I waved quickly, ducking off into my room. I plugged up my phone and turned on my ringer with a few minutes to spare until five o'clock hit. I shed my book bag, jacket, and was just kicking my shoes off when the Michael's FaceTime call came through.

"Hey," I smiled once sliding it over, "give me one second."

He smiled, nodding through the screen and I dug into my bag for my wireless studio headphones. Once they were turned on and on my head I propped my phone up so I wouldn't have to hold it while talking to Michael. It was like clockwork when it came to us.

Every day at 5 o'clock we would talk. Bad day, good day, angry, annoyed... even if it was with each other we still made sure we talked on the phone. Since we didn't get to see each other as often as we wanted we made FaceTime calls less of an option and more of a priority.

"I got somethin'..." Michael said and I realized he was still in his office, reaching onto his desk. He pulled an envelope into view and waved it in front of the camera. "A lil' somethin in the mail."

I squinted. "What is it?"

"A camera light ticket..."

"Another one?!" I exclaimed, obviously annoyed with myself.

He laughed and leaned forward on his desk for he too had his phone propped up. "Same damn light Semaj. This lil $85 is startin' to add up."

"Well I'm not doing it on purpose," I said truthfully. "It's an accident, really. It's just the hellcat purrs so nicely I just..."

He was still laughing, but now he was shaking his head. "Semaj, lift your damn foot."

"You sound like somebodies father," I rolled my eyes and his eyebrow cocked, but before he could say anything smart my door opened and one of my roommates, Shelby, stood there.

Waiting For You | Michael & Semaj || COMPLETED!!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя