Chapter 22 | Hot Like Fire... II / One More Time

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PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE. If you've never listened to "There U Go" by Johnny Gill..... block me right now. Listen to this song before you read or after. It fits Semaj and Michael to a T.

Baby you know that I will do anything and everything for you baby
I lose all self-control with you
'Cause I can't help myself
You're like nobody else
What can I do?

Baby you know
You only need to touch me girl
And I'm a slave for you, yeah
And I lose all self-control
And I do what I do 'Cause I'm so into you
I can't let go

Semaj's POV

My heart pumped rapidly in my chest but not from fear or nerves. Instead, it pumped so fast and so hard from pure anticipation and adrenaline.

In the comfort and privacy of his office we moved as if we had all the time in the world. What in movies would be depicted as fast, hot and raunchy sex was anything but as Michael's body pushed me against the door of his office.

He was taking his time and now that it wasn't in the small confines of his backseat he was allowing me to realize what I had missed over this last year. It made a certain piece inside me twinge with guilt while also encouraging the other side that this was what my body nodded.

And no matter how messy it might've been the electric shock I felt as his lips pressed against my neck told me that I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.

My eyes connected with Michael's as half of his face glowed from the nighttime that showed brightly through the large windows of his office, facing over downtown Los Angeles.

I placed my hand on either side of his face and pulled him into me, pecking his lips until he invited me in for a real kiss.

He pulled back, but not before I bit down on his bottom lip, making a growl emit deeply from his throat.

"I want you completely naked this time," he told me. His voice was deep, his words sharp, and his eyes serious as he stared at me. "Nothing hidden."

I recalled that our last rendezvous had my dressed pulled up to my waist and his pants low enough for me to gain access. But now in the nightlight of his office he wanted me butt-ass-naked. Another woman would've thought about it, but I'd done all the thinking I was going to do before and during the ride to his office.

Instead I reached for the waist of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head, allowing it to drop to the floor with a flimsy toss to the side.

His cool hands roamed over my exposed skin before moving across my back to unhook the black bra. Once he had it off and thrown somewhere opposite of my shirt our clothes started to disappear from our bodies at a much-accelerated rate as we kissed, groped, and moaned when the other kissed or licked that right spot.

We had done it so much in this office during our marriage and even with a year gap in between we still managed to make it to the couch without bumping into anything. At that point though I didn't care if I was pinned against the wall, his desk, or right in the middle of his line of windows. But he was always considerate since he knew I liked it most when he was on top. And the couch was most comfortable.

I was ready for the crème de la crème, but Michael's boxer briefs were still on his waist and only making me irritated as I reached for them just for him to move my hands away.

He smiled breaking our kiss, but it only made me growl. He had long laid me back on the couch and was in between my legs, moving his lips downwards from my face.

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