Chapter 11 | All Out Of Goodbyes

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And it's like you're gone too soon.
So the hardest thing to say is bye.

Semaj's POV

Michael did exactly what he said he was going to do and that was send the plane back for me when I was ready, so a week after him I packed my bags and left to go back to New Orleans. Everyone else would call it home, but Louisiana was no home to me. At least not anymore. Not after the death of my daughter.

I didn't even really want to go back, but with Joseph being sick and knowing that Michael would need the support if things turned fatal (because it wasn't looking too good) then I needed to be here. He and I may not have been on great terms but he was still my husband and I needed to be there to support him.

Lina offered to pick me up from the airport and I'd declined wanting Michael to come and do it, but he hadn't been picking up so I figured he was at the hospital, so I ended up renting a car and driving myself. I was going to go to the hotel first but if I did then I'd probably be too tired to leave so I drove to my mom's instead.

After her and my dad divorced she moved out of the house that we were all living in and downsized from the six bed and three and half bath house to a two bedroom apartment. I thought she would need something bigger, but Simone was in her junior year of high school, so she'd be out of the house soon. Samia was only four so she stayed in the room with my mom.

I pulled into an open space beside my mother's new Lexus and grabbed my phone to text Michael that I had landed and where I was before getting out to go and knock on the door. My mother yelled from the other side that she was coming and soon she was opening the door and screaming loudly when she saw that it was me.

The last time I had saw any of them was when I'd graduated a little over five months ago in May. I meant it when I said I didn't care to return to New Orleans. Not even for a visit, but my family knew they were always welcomed in California.

My mom wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight as she swayed us from side to side. "What in the world are you doing here?"

I frowned in confusion as she moved out of the way so I could come in. I turned around as she closed the door, using the hand towel she had draped across her shoulder to wipe her hand as she looked at me.

"Joseph is in the hospital and it's pretty bad."

"What? The hospital? When?"

"Like a week ago, mom, what? Simone didn't tell you? Michael flew in last week, but I had to get some things situated at work before I could leave. Are you serious that Simone didn't tell you?"

"No," she shook her head as she passed by me to go into the kitchen. I followed behind her seeing my little sister Samia pushed up at the table with a plate of chicken nuggets, broccoli, and fresh fruit in front of her.

"Mimi!" I exclaimed, running to her as she lifted her arms to get out of the chair. She giggled as I pulled her up from the chair and squeezed her in my arms.

"My Sey Sey," she mumbled into my chest and my lips pouted as I squeezed her tighter (as if I could anymore). She reached for a nugget on a plate but when I tried to put her back down she started to have a fit, so I just brought the plate close enough so she could grab one as I held her in my arms.

I looked back at my mother who was still looking at me in disbelief. "I can't believe Simone didn't tell you."

"Unless she didn't know," she replied, shaking her head.

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