Chapter 20 | When I See You...

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Walkin' around, sportin' her, holdin' her hand
Doin' it big like you're the man
But she was my gurl
She used to be my girl


Semaj's POV

I didn't know why I'd agreed to accompany Jay to his friend's birthday party tonight, but I had. And now the night I had come the last thing I wanted to do was get dressed up to go out. It took a lot of effort and then for the sake of not ruining his mood I had find something to give me temporary happiness. Not saying that I wasn't happy, but I was still trying to find my footing after the divorce and Jay was... He was there. He was fun.

Had this been a different time I would've felt bad for how things were going, but I had made it clear to him that I wasn't up for anything solid or complicated. I'd just dealt with both of those with Michael, so the last thing I needed-or wanted-was another relationship with problems.

It was sex. I was grown enough and mature enough to call it for what it was. Simple late-night companionship when we both needed it.

It was a friend with benefits type of thing and while I knew just how messy those type of relationships where I felt that Jay and I could handle it.

I smoothed out the black dress as I stood in front of the fool length mirror I had leaning against the wall in my living room. I'd left my hair straight from when I'd gotten it done a week ago, but slicked my edges down just a little, but not too much. I wasn't sure if I was too overdressed for the party with the dress and heels, but then again it was L.A. and a Saturday night, so I didn't think I was going to stick out too much.

The knock on the door grabbed my attention and had me turning away from the mirror as I went to answer it. On the opposite side behind a bouquet of flowers stood Jay dressed in his all black too. I smiled, holding out my hands.

"They're so pretty. Thank you," I smiled taking them from his hands. I turned to walk to my kitchen which was behind the opened the door and heard it shut behind me. I placed the flowers on the counter and then went into the living room to grab the black clutch I had tossed on my blush pink ottoman.

"You look beautiful, Semaj."

I smiled, taking a step back, and twirling in a circle. He laughed. "Thanks Jay. I'm ready when you are."

He nodded and leaned over, opening up my apartment door and we left out, going to his car after I locked the door and checked to make sure it clicked.

The party that wasn't set to start for another fifteen minutes when we arrived was practically packed full. Jay paid for the valet and we both got out of the car right in front of the building. With the hand on the small of my back we made our way inside the building the loud music taking up any chance we could've had for a conversation. He started recognizing people almost immediately, yelling over the music just so he could introduce me to them.

I shook a lot of hands and recited "it's nice to meet you" about a thousand times before we even got halfway inside the building. I leaned toward Jay's ear. "Whose party did you say this was?"

"My friend Desmond. He's an old high school friend of mine."

I nodded watching as the all-female serving crew moved throughout the crowd with tall glasses of champagne on their trays. The decorations for the party were elaborate too not just balloons and streamers either. There was a professional camera crew to take pictures and record the event. There was a large display of appetizers lined up against the wall on about six or seven rectangular tables and an open bar adjacent to the DJ.

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