Chapter 21 | When That Liquor Get Into Me

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Okay, i lied. this chapter ain't explicit at all. 😂

I get filthy when that liquor get into me.
Why can't I keep my fingers off you, baby?
I want you.

Michael's POV

Semaj was a permanent thought in my head for the next week. I knew that going that far with her was unhealthy and didn't do either of us any good considerin' we were tryna move forward with our lives, but I missed her.

I missed the way her body felt against mine, the way she would respond to me, but most of all I missed the way her presence made me feel.

And that was as if I was on top of the world.

Unfortunately, that high was short-lived, because the minute I watched her walk through the door to go back to the party with Jason, I knew that was it.

I wasn't mad, nah, but I couldn't deny the fact that I was a lil' salty. Seeing her with Jason made me feel some type of way. Especially watching the way he looked her and held his arm around her waist, like they were together.

But I knew Semaj and that wasn't it. If anything, she was probably just fillin' in a void, but as for Jason being the guy after me? Hell no. And I knew off-hand that she could do much better than a man who was comfortable knowing he would always be second place. On top of that I knew that Jason wasn't man enough. He couldn't handle Semaj.

Still though, at the moment he had her, and every chance he got while around me he never let me forget it. A downfall to him still working with my team for my fundraising project. Luckily, said project was comin' close to an end, and I wouldn't have to see him as often anymore. But as of now it was crunch time and the time for the weekend of festivities to raise money was coming close.

As much as I disliked him I couldn't deny the fact that he was good at his job. That still didn't eliminate the fact that every time I saw a smirk on his face I wanted to punch it straight and had I been the Michael I was five, six, years ago I woulda done just that. Instead I turned over a new leaf... for now that is.

A knock on my office door had me lookin' away from Camille who was crawling all around my office, findin' every piece of furniture to grab onto and pull herself up, so she could use it as a crutch to walk around it. The door opened, and Hailey poked her head through the crack and I waved her in.

"What's up Hailey?"

"The updated overall budget for a Weekend at Neverland." She said, walking over to my desk and handing over the paper. She looked at Camille with a wide smile. "Oou, she just gets cuter every time I see her. Yes, you are, yes you are, just a gorgeous little baby."

I smiled, my eyes moving from the paper and to Camille. Hailey spoke up, making my eyes move to her.

"Also, your marketing team is coming in today at two o'clock to go over the new deadlines."

If I had to meet with the marketing team then that meant I had to meet with Jason and Levi, the guy who had taken over Semaj's place when she left the team. Semaj leaving and Levi taking her place had sparked some conversation throughout the building, but nobody dared to say anything to my face or when I was around. That still didn't mean I didn't catch looks after everything came out.

Let's be honest though... my wife and I divorce and all of a sudden, I got a kid... it was simple to put two and two together. But from the outside lookin' in it was as if I cheated on my wife and had a baby and that was the cause of our divorce, but Semaj and I both knew there was more to it.

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