Chapter 19 | Let It Burn

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Deep down you know it's best for yourself but you
Hate the thought of her being with someone else
But you know that it's over
You know that it was through
Let it burn



Semaj's POV

It only took about two and a half months after Michael and I sighed the divorce papers for it to be finalized. I thought that a divorce and being away from him would make me feel better, but it didn't. It did, however, make things easier.

I would be lying if I said I didn't miss him because there were days I saw or heard something that reminded me of how we used to be, and I'd wonder how he was doing.

He'd made the divorce short and easy for the both of us though. Against my protests he'd paid all the legal fees, hired me a lawyer, and drafted up a more than gracious agreement. He'd been overzealous with the finances which entitled me to a hefty sum of monthly alimony.

At first, I wasn't going to take any money from him. I didn't want Michael to assume that that was the only thing I wanted from him. But I realized that for the first time in my life I would be living on my own and his lawyer was pressing for me to take it per Michael's request, so I did.

But the minute the lawyers walked out of the room after everything was in place, it all came full circle that I was no longer married to the man I had-at one point- wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

"Thank you." I whispered, finding the strength to look at his face, but the entire time he had kept his eyes shielded with a pair of sunglasses.

But when he turned his head, locking his eyes on me, he removed them. His eyes were red, and I saw just how tired he was not to mention the sorrow that lingered in them. I looked away knowing that me asking for the divorce is what caused it.

He just nodded and stood from his seat to leave, but I stopped him, keeping my voice low as I spoke. "Michael, please. Say something." I turned my chair away from the conference table and looked at his back.

He hadn't spoken the entire time. He'd just sat there quietly, not even nodding his head for affirmation or interrupting if something sounded wrong in the agreement. Only I, my lawyer, and his spoke during the entire time we were all in the room.

"I know that maybe I don't deserve anything from you since it was me who asked for this but..." I half-expected him to turn around and throw it in my face that it indeed was me who'd asked for the divorce and that he didn't have to say anything, but he didn't.

Instead he turned around and walked over to the table, placing his glasses down then pulling out the chair next to me to sit. For the first time the entire day he looked me right in my eyes.

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