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(deleted scene in chapter 35 - after they got remarried but before Michael won full custody)

(deleted scene in chapter 35 - after they got remarried but before Michael won full custody)

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Michael's POV

"Maybe we should-"

The door to the conference room opened, not enough for an adult to walk through but just enough for a small baby in a honey pot costume to walk in.

Mimi held onto her orange pumpkin trick-or-treat basket, coming around the table toward me. All of my company execs in awe of her outfit.

She already had some candy in her bucket so she reached inside pulling out a laffy taffy to give it to me so I could open it.

"She is too cute," Sheena, my VP said with a smile on her face. "And that costume is adorable."

Semaj poked her head through the door, causing everyone to look that way. A wide smile came to her face as she said, "Thank you."

I laughed seeing Semaj dressed up as a bee and immediately she and Camille eased the tension of the seriousness in the room.

"How about we pick this up tomorrow?" I suggested, and they all nodded and stood up saying their Hello's and Goodbye's to Camille and Semaj as they exited the room.

Once the room was free with just me, Semaj and Camille I opened the candy for her to eat, looking in her bucket to see if there was something I liked.

Semaj picked Mimi up and sat her on the table, coming over to kiss my lips and she tasted like she'd been eatin candy too.

"How was the event?"

One of the centers hosted a trick-or-treat scavenger hunt for the community, so the kids could get some free food, candy, and play games instead of being out in the streets because people got crazy on Halloween.

"It was fun. Camille had a ball."

I nodded, eating a laffy taffy as I looked her up and down. "You know only the kids had to get dressed up right?"

"Well, yeah but if Mimi was gonna be a honeypot it only made sense that I be a bumblebee. I think she liked us dressing up together. Next year you're going to do it too."

I laughed it off letting her think that but ain't no way was I gon be wearing no silly ass costume. On the other hand though Semaj looked cute. So cute I couldn't stop smilin every time I looked at her.

"What you doin here though? I thought you was gon go straight home."

"Well, Hailey told me you were still here and it's 9 o'clock so I came to drag you out of here. You work too much Michael and need to take it easy."

I was smiling and Semaj rolled her eyes, "what?"

"I'm sorry," I replied laughin' and shaking my head. "I just can't take yo ass serious with that damn bee costume on."

"Bee," Mimi clapped her hands, "bee."

"Yeah," I smiled looking toward Camille. "Maji is a Bee... A grown ass one at that."

Popping me in my arm, Semaj picked up Camille, balancing her on her hip.

"Don't be cussing around my child," she scolded me, turning to head toward the door. "Now come on. I'm starving. These babies have me wanting to eat a horse."

I was right behind her, the usual view of her ass being clouded by the fluffy ass costume. It was lowkey kinda irritating that my viewed was skewed.

"The perk of this costume?" She said, but my attention was elsewhere, "is that it covers my behind," then I watched her turn, shoving my chest.

Laughing when I caught her smile I replied, "why you acting like this something new? You my wife... I can look where I please."

We'd made it to the elevator and she pressed the down button and turned to me. "I'm glad you said look and not touch."

I leaned against the wall near the elevator doors and nodded. Even though she was my wife she still had every option to say no when she wanted to.

I smiled wide, "only if you tell me to."

Her hand went to cover Mimi's ears who in turn was looking between the two of us very much confused but with a purple mouth as she chewed restlessly on the laffy taffy I'd given her earlier.

"Not around the baby."

"What?" I laughed as the elevator dinged and the doors opened. "She don't know bout nothing we talkin' bout..."

Stepping on the elevator Semaj scoffed, "you'd be surprised what babies understand."

I was leaning against the other side as Semaj pressed the button to go down to the lobby. She was smiling at Mimi which had me smiling too.

If she wasn't already pregnant, this would be the night it would've happened. I paused, thinking about it, looking her up and down and agreed with myself. Fasho.

"Daddy just keeps staring huh Mimi?" Semaj chuckled, looking over at me. "Do I look that ridiculous?"

We were stepping off the elevator right as I said, "nah... the costume cute as shit... just makin me think about some things."

"Oh yeah?" She reached for my hand, knowin how much I hated it but she loved it, so I intertwined my fingers with hers. "Like what?"

She was probably expecting some romantic shit, which is what I was thinking, but... "It aint for baby ears, right?"

Kissing her teeth she snatched her hand from mine as I pushed the door opened with my back and held it ajar with my foot so she could walk out.

"Stop," she mumbled shyly, but still blushed red. "Before I sting you."

My eyebrows raised as I followed behind her, "promise?"

My eyebrows raised as I followed behind her, "promise?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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