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"THE IDEA IS quite simple. You travel back with Adrien, save him from being killed and then transport back to our time." Nino was calculating dimensions and time faster than anyone but Luka could keep up with. The expo he used was running out of ink and squeaking out for help. In fact, it was really Luka who did the majority of the mathematics behind this operation.

The group had migrated to a spare classroom during the allotted lunch period. Once Marinette was actually consolable, she had become incredibly determined to save Adrien's life; no matter the weighty repercussions.

"The math looks to be correct," Adrien said, whipping out his old pair of glasses. He double checked the foreign language scribbled on the whiteboard before their eyes. "Wait, what's this equation? Shouldn't it equal 25?" Luka chimed in, deep eyes scouring. "Well, if you factor in the percentage of error, it should be upped to 40. This, also in consideration with not only the mass of Adrien's body with Marinette's, it should be approximately right," Nino perked.

"So how do we transport them? A ship? A cargo crate? Any ideas?"

The girls started to tune out the fine detail of the mechanics behind time travel, instead opting to host a conversation of their own. Marinette was mindlessly busy munching away on baby carrot sticks and hummus as Alya ranted, just letting her air what was on her chest.

"I mean, think about it! This could be the last time I see you. I know you guys are going to try and come back here, but what if that fails? Do you start to fade away because it's not your place to be there? I just have too many questions and like, zero answers."

She could see the stress and worry Alya harbored at the mission, feeling empathy for her. The girl was right, there was a possibility of not returning. Personally, she wouldn't mind all that much, leaving behind her heartbreak over her parents and looming college decisions. The only thing she would really miss would be her friends.

That's all.

Okay, and she would miss her Papa greatly, but she wouldn't admit that fact to anyone but herself.

"I'm hoping that doesn't happen. I'd miss you way too much," she offered with a sweet smile. "I just really care for Adrien. I can't really explain it." Alya sympathized. "But is he really worth potentially leaving everything for?"

Marinette nibbled thoughtfully on a crunchy carrot. "Would you do the same for Nino if you were in my shoes?"

Alya sighed, knowing full well she would. "I know I'd do the same as you."

She put her hand on the bespectacled girl's knee. "It'll work out, okay?" Alya nodded along.

"Can I get candid and sort of ruin this cute moment?" Alya questioned, her mind running amuck. "Sure. What's up?"

"How did you get Adrien to sleep with you?"

Marinette smirked knowingly. "I-I mean, I know he like, sought you out and all, but I just... I want to go farther with Nino, and he seems willing, but he never initiates anything! Men are trash," she grumbled, folding her arms and her demeanor growing bashful.

Marinette giggled. "Actually, Adrien did everything. I wasn't even in the realm of a sexy mindset. But, he just kissed me and led me the whole night through. It was so interesting! I mean, I'm the experienced one, so you'd think it would have been swapped but..." she trailed off when she noted how far off the path she'd gone. "What I'm trying to get at is that it's okay if you go for it. Unexpected is great, a huge turn on even. Trust your instincts and don't back down. You can do this!"

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