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"ARE YOU SURE about this? I just don't know if it's the best idea," Nino hesitantly inquired, adjusting his glasses nervously. Alya's top lip quirked upward at his cute concern.

The group of five was currently holed up in Luka's bedroom, trying to decide their next move. Marinette, Adrien and Luka himself were sitting snuggly on his bed. Alya took the liberty of sprawling out on the carpeted floor, laying comfortably on her tummy. Nino, on the other hand, was sat on Luka's desk chair, toe tapping and body fidgeting.

"I'm positive! If we all go clubbing, it will be another chance for Adrien to not only practice his socializing skills, but an opportunity to make use of another recently acquired skill," Alya winked in their direction, forcing twin blushes on their cheeks. Luka looked slightly sick as he pieced together several possibilities on his friend's meaning.

Marinette turned her gaze away from said boy, instead noticing just how many Fruit by the Foot wrappers were in Luka's trashcan. The fact caused her to sweetly smile. No matter how many years ticked by, the boy still had the same tastes.

"Not to rain on your well organized parade, but the last time we had an outing like this, Adrien got the wrong idea and Marinette ran away. Are we sure we can handle something like that again?" Luka posed, hashing out his valid side of the argument. Nino seemed slightly pleased that he wasn't on his own metaphysical island alone for once. While for two different reasons, he was happy to have like-minded company.

"That was a different time! Adrien is more educated now, Marinette has learned to face her problems, you are always down for a nice whiskey, I need a night of dancing my stress away, and I'm trying to grow Nino, and pushing him out of his comfort zone is necessary. There's literally not one bad thing that can happen this time around!"

Luka sighed, clearly not the most enthusiastically, but seemed to be swayed. Alya was incredibly persuasive, never backing down from what she wanted. "I guess I'm on board, that is if Little Bug and Sunshine Boy are too," Luka said, turning to his left to face them.

"What about me?" Nino all but screeched. Luka shrugged, "Alya was right about you trying new things. Sorry dude."

The boy with glasses sighed and leaned back in his chair in utter disbelief.

Alya shifted her golden eyes to the quietest pair in the room. She raised a well groomed brow, awaiting their answer to the plans that seemed to have been formed without much of their input (until now, obviously).

"I think I'd be okay with clubbing, as long as you guys don't ditch me," Adrien shivered, clearly having had a bad experience beforehand or something. His emeralds searched her eyes pleadingly. "I'm not one to decline fun outings, but I am a little concerned about Adrien being ready," Marinette shared openly, keeping her gaze downcast and picking at the comforter she was burrito-wrapped in.

"I'll be fine."

"You promise?"


"Then it's settled!" Alya all but shouted aloud, startling the dark haired girl abruptly. Nino picked at the collar of his shirt, a nervous tick he harbored. He wasn't fully opposed, what with the prospect of Alya dressed a certain way, all while burning rubber on the dance floor. He supposed he might even offer to buy her a drink, that is if he could build up the guts.

"You guys stay here and get ready, while Marinette and I doll ourselves up at my house," Alya had decided, shooting a sly grin at her best girl friend. "I have this shimmery little number that would look hella good on you," Alya continued.

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