"What exactly are you hiding from me?" Eduardo murmured under his breath before taking out his phone and dialing Mark.

Mark picked up the call almost immediately, "Hey, Eduardo. Has Zion's plane landed?" the other asked.

"Mark, I think what you've said is true. He's acting suspicious just now."

"Oh... Anyway. We're coming over there right now. Please make sure Zion is out of people's sight. If so, then please disguise him. He gets forgetful when he's excited. Especially when he knows that Tom is there."

Eduardo let out a disappointed sigh as he nodded, "Alright. I'll see ya in a bit." Eduardo said before ending the call.

He slips his phone inside his pocket as he went to look for Tom and Zion.

Eduardo's P.O.V

They've probably already seen each other by now. Since I have been walking around for almost 20 minutes. I kept my eyes roaming all around, searching for any sign of the two.

Suddenly my phone rang.

Seriously? I just fucking took my phone out then it just had ring now?

I decided to ignore it but it kept on ringing. With an annoyed groan I took my phone out and answered it, not caring about who it was.

"What?" I asked annoyingly.

"Hey! Eduardo! It's me Edd." a cheerful voice greeted from the other side.

I hated that voice with all of my guts.

"What do you want? And how did you get my fucking number?" I asked feeling more annoyed than I should be. I lifted my head up and still kept on searching for Tom and Zion.

"Matt's phone died so we had to call you with mine. Also we're with Zion and Tom. We're beside the escalator near the entrance."

Hearing that made my head snap to the direction of the entrance and just booked it.

"Also why are you so mean--"

I ended his call while still continuing to race to the said escalator. Finally when I saw a familiar figure, I slowed down and catched my breath.

Zion, Matt, Edd and Tom were talking with each other. I saw how Edd was staring at Zion while he was just smiling at him.

Matt was the first one who noticed me and shouted 'Hey!' while waving his hands up in the air. Edd was giggling beside him. This is why I hated them.

Zion turned to me, he was wearing his glasses and a face mask. Probably for disguise. He waved at me while Tom, who was behind him kept his gaze lowered.

When I got close to them I kept my eyes on Tom. He looked so distracted and scared at the same time. It was annoying me. I know what he did. I just couldn't say it.

"Hey, Zi. How was... The project out of states?" I asked, obviously trying to force a smile because I couldn't help but think of what Tom did. Zion smiled to me, "It went okay. Just need more few adjustments." he replied before turning to Tom.

"How were you while I was gone?" Zion asked to which made Tom widen his eyes a bit. It seemed like Zion didn't see it but I did.

He slowly turned to Zion with a smile on his face, "I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss you, Busy Bee." he said.

"Really?" I unconsciously blurted out. Tom's eyes widened even more as he looked at me in horror. Why is he like this?

"Also..." Zion said before scanning Tom head to toe with his eyes.

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