He looked at me (51)

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It was Saturday afternoon when I noticed this unusual board standing outside our room door. Doris noticed it first, but when she saw that her name wasn't on it, she walked away angrily.

What is it?

My name was there. It was written in large letters. Next to it were these numbers, and I'm assuming it's a time frame.

"Hey, Doris?"

She hummed in response.

"Why's my name on this weird list?" I asked confused.

She rolled her eyes at me, "It's the schedule for this weekend."


"You know, from the time that we're allowed to go outside?" She pointed at my name on the list and the time, "Today, you can go outside from 3pm to 10 pm."

"What about the weekdays?"

"New list." She snapped before storming ou the the room and down the stairs determined. Honestly, from the look on Doris's face, I can tell she wasn't very pleased with the fact that her nme wasn't on the list but I also knew that she looked like she was about to start a commotion. I know this because when I'm about to start a commotion, I always walk a certain way, telling the whole world how mad I am. Doris looked like angry Emerald.

I followed her downstairs because I was also very much determined o figure out what kind of drama this girl was about to pull. I watched as Doris stomped her way into the living room and stopped in her tracks in front of this blonde chick who looked just as short as Gerby.

"You made Calivara remove my name from the list." Doris folded her arms.

The blonde chick pursed her lips and smiled evilly at her, "You got yourself banned from going outside. That's no one's fault but yours."

That blonde girl's words seemed to have hurt Doris really bad that she picked up a cup of juice that this random girl was holding before pouring it on her head.

I laughed, yes Doris, that's how you do it.

     The girls started fighting in front of my eyes it was so funny. Only because the blonde chick that she was fighting reminded me of Avery, I roared for Doris to win and luckily she was about to before I saw Calivara walk in and stop the fight, "What is the the meaning of this?"

The blonde chick started it, "She attacked me first Madam!"

"She got my name off the list!"

"She pulled my hair!"


Calivara ended up taking both girls by the ears and pulling them to her office so she can probably talk to the two of them.

Later on, by 3 Pm, I see Gerby also getting ready. Turns out he has the same time outside as I do and the same curfew. I texted Ahmed, telling him I had some time outside and I wanted to see him today. Apparently he was busy with homework and studying for exams but he really wants to see me so he'll meet me in the park.

Gerby and I walked around, as we both waited for the people we were going to meet.

   "How long have you lived in this place?" I asked him.

Gerby simply shrugged, "My whole life. Calivara raised me."

Suddenly, I see him reach for his pocket taking out a pack of cigarettes. Wait what? CIGARETTES?

He takes a cancer stick and puts it in his mouth following a lighter as he covered it up to light it. When he caught me staring wide eyed, he questioned, "What is it? Is it my hair? Is there something on my face?"

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