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Late chapter but new chapter for a new dayyyy :)


I started tearing up as soon as the teacher started talking and teaching all over again.

I told myself for the pass three years that Mcfuckson would never get to me and I would make sure of that. But I'm clearly failing in that department.

I was usually the one to piss her off with verbal abuse. I was the one to make her cry, me. Me, not her, me.

But today isn't even a usual day. How did she even know that I like Ahmed? I mean she doesn't but I'm sure she has that idea. How does she know that he doesn't look at me? Does she watch these things? She couldn't have seen me and Fatima talking unless she was spying by her window. Who's the freak now?

I can't believe she knows more than she should.

Every time a tear were to fall, I would wipe it off with my sleeve. I started sniffing that earned a lot of stares from my peers. What? It doesn't mean I'm crying, I could be sick too.

Fatima kept turning her head to make sure that I was okay and each time I would smile at her.

"Emerald?" Called Ms. Sullivan.

I looked towards her direction.

She looked angry once again, her whole face turning red. What? I didn't even do anything. Then she began to walk, stomping on her feet each time. Her heels would click until she was standing right in front of me.

"Hoodies. . ." She trailed off, leaving me blanked faced. Then she picked up her index and thumb before placing it on my head and violently removing my hood, "Aren't permitted." She gritted her teeth.

What is with this lady and the rules?

And who the fuck gave her the right to touch me like that?

You let Mcfuckson do it all the time, what makes Sullivan any different.


I've never been so sad, so mad and pissed off my whole fucking life.

I stood up as soon as Ms. Sullivan went back to her seat. It caught a lot of people off guard considering the fact that my whole body just jolted up and made my chair fall behind me but I didn't give any care to it.

"May I be excused." I asked-ish but mostly demanded. If Ms. Sullivan were to say no, she would be the cause of my first fight.

Knowing how angry I looked and how badly I just got humiliated, she motioned to the door.

And I was out.

Fatima might not be a good friend of mine but I needed her more than anything right now. I had so many things I wanted to ask her starting from:

What happens if a man or a woman were to break the rules in Islam.

Ahmed pretty much did that. I mean if you can't even properly look at each other in the religion, what exactly makes him think he can date?

I don't think Muslims can date and I will be so freaking surprised if Fatima said they could.

I had more questions. I couldn't think of them right now but as soon as the opportunity comes, I'll have them written down.

LOOK AT ME (Muslim Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora