Mr. Stubborn Dating Mr. Concern (F)

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Alex's POV
Ms. Fleming's voice rang and rang and rang through my ears, but I just couldn't absorb any information anymore.

To fill you in, I haven't slept in two days. Well, probably an hour when the two days are combined. That's what you get Alex, you stupid stubborn selfish coffeeholic assho-


"Wah?! Yes?! What?! My name is Alex! The answer is gay! Wait, what are we talking about?"

Crap... Now I've gone and done it...

The whole class stared for a moment before they erupted into laughter. "Hamilton, have you been getting enough sleep lately?"

No, duh why do you think I was asleep? "Absolutely, I was just thinking about some other stuff. My brain is like a tv sometimes and there's this little gremlin in there changing the channels that I constantly don't know what I'm supposed to be focusing on and when I don't know what I'm supposed to be focusing on I just end up being an airhead day dreaming about pup-"

"Alex, that's enough. I get it." She groaned. Nailed it. "I just need you to focus on what you have now and what is happening in front of you. No more day dreaming."

"Yes, maam."


"What the hell happened to you back there?" Seabury asked, genuinly sounding concerned. "I mean, I get that you have a ton of shit in your mind but you never erupted like that before? Are you sure you've been taking it easy lately?"

"Sam, this little cheese tart is fine." I sighed, grabbing my book from the locker. "I'll admit, I lied to Ms. Flemming. I only had about an hour of sleep the past two days, but I've lasted for longer weeks before. It's all dandy."

"Yeah, but I recall nothing about a teacher calling you out. And not to mention you exploding into a word vomit frenzy like that!" He exclaimed, slamming his locker shut before looking at me. "What has John been doi-"

"Don't..." I stopped him. Sam's a really nice guy, I know that, but I never liked it when he talked about how John treated me. He. Knows. Nothing about my relationship with him. "John has been doing nothing than support and love me. He does nothing but keep me grounded and in check, so don't you dare talk about him like he doesn't even try."

Seabury just kept his mouth shut and head hung low. I felt kinda bad, but I stand by every word I said. He has no rights to question how John treats me.


John's POV

Where the hell is Alex? We were suppose to meet up at the coffee shop 30 minutes ago. Don't fucking tell me he ditched for debate club activities again!

"Damn it, Alex..." I muttered. Wait, no, he'sh probably asleep somewhere around campus. Crap, if I'm right, this'll be the third time this week. He seriously needs to listen and sleep at night. His sleeping pattern is all messed up now.

After some walking around, I found him in the secluded hallway around building 2-A, sleeping against the lockers while he had his notebook in his hands. I gently walked over and sat beside him. One side of me doesn't want to wake him up, the other does.

If I don't, he'll get more rest but that'll mean we would be getting home later than usual and he would be up 'til midnight again because of school work that he didn't get to finish.

If I do, he'll finish in time, we'll be home in time, but he would keep up this habit.

There's no easy way out of this. Even if I do just carry him home, he would wake up. Plus, there's also his stuff. If I carry him bridal stylte, it would be hard to carry his stuff too. If I throw him on my shoulder, he would most certainly wake up and that would be highly uncomfortable.

Ah, geez... I guess I'll wait for him to wake up and force him to sleep later...


It took 2 hours for Alex to wake up from his nap. 2 hours of me sitting beside him and doing his homework.

"Wah- JOHN!" He scolded once he saw all the finished work. "I told you, I don't need help with my stuff!"

"Sure, you were asleep here for God knows how long. The least I could do was help and finish your work and take care of you later." I sighed, standing up. "Seriously, you need to listen when I tell you to sleep. I'm glad that you're eating regulary now, but your sleep pattern is insane. I mean, sure it improved from weeks of not sleeping to days, but that's not enough."

I could hear him grumble as he fixed his stuff. "I just, want to make sure that I've done everything I could."

"And you did. You don't have to write an essay three weeks before the deadline. Take your time, don't stress out." I picked up his book and handed it to him. "And most importantly, never be ashamed to ask me or any of our friends for help. We would gladly lend you a hand."

He hung his head low. I can tell he's guilty for what he's been doing, but I can't let sympathy get to me. I need to stand my ground. This is not healthy for anyone.

"Alex, I'm just looking out for you. I don't want you to revert back to the guy I met in highschool..." I gently told him, embracing him as soft as I can yet firm and secured. "You barely ate... You barely slept... You were skin and bones. I just want what's best for you, because I love you. I need you to stay alive and healthy for me... Okay?"

"You got it." He chuckled and nuzzled his head on my chin. "I would hug you back, but my arms are kinda full."

"It's fine, we can cuddle later. I'm gonna get your sleeping pattern all sorted out."

"I know... You got me to eat everyday, I don't doubt a thing you say anymore." He pulled away and started walking. "Let's hurry before it gets dark out."

Oof, I'm a little rusty now. I guess that's what I get for not writing for 3 months :< anyway, hope you guys liked it though. It's getting harder to think of plots for these

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