A Father's Love (F)

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"Yes son?"

"I'm... I'm gay... I like boys..." John fiddled with the hem of his shirt as he kept his head hung low. Expecting a slap, punch or yell from his father, he instead felt arms wrap around him, warm and loving, tight and accepting.

"It's okay son, I'm here." Henry whispered, rubbing his son's back, knowing how much it took for him to come out. "It's okay."

John's eyes watered up, hugging back tightly as he sobbed happy tears on his father's shoulder.


"Alexander! Dinner time!"

Alex walked down the stairs, passing by the shrine they kept for his mother and brother, James jr.

"Hi Pa." He lowly greeted, grabbing to cups from the cabinet and placing them on the table.

"Hey champ, you holding up fine?" James, his father, asked, grabbing Alex's bowl and filling it up with mushroom soup.


"Is something wrong?"

"Pa, what would you do if I like both genders?"

James fell silent, stopping whatever he was doin and stared shockingly at him son. He leaped out of his chair when Alex started crying, breath hitching behind his throat. He pulled his son into a hug and rubbed circles on his back. "Shh, shh hey hey, I'm okay with that Al. It's okay, don't cry. Papa's here, papa is right here. Your papa isn't going anywhere, I'm staying right here." He Alex cry even more on his shoulder. "Come on bud, it's okay."

"M-mom and J-James woukd ha-hate me!" He cried, sobbing louder.

"No no, Alex no. They would never. Your mothe would be so proud of you and your brother would be so happy for you. Alexander, never say they would hate you." His father reassured him.


Skip to 10 years later.

John and Alex met and instantly became an item a few months after. James and Henry supported their children all the way, never not having their backs.

"Hey John?" Alex looked up from the shelf. "Can you pick me up and hoist me over to the top shelf?"

John chuckled and just carried Alex on his shoulders and slowly hoisted him up as he looked on the bottom shelves. They were in John's private family library to find some new books for Alex to read.

They heard a camera shutter. Turning to the sound, they saw John's dad. "Hi Mr. Laurens."

"Hey Dad."

"Hello to you too. So, whatbare we looking for?" Henry asked his son's boyfriend. "Horror? Fiction? Or maybe some clichè romance?"

"That's just it." John replied, carefully putting down Alex. "This little guy is very indecisive at times."

"It's not my fault books are so good." Alex countered, pouting.

Henry laughed and gestured for them to follow. He led them to a locked away section of the library, opening the door to reveal what's inside.

Alex jaw dropped in awe. Shelves and shelves were filled with historical books, also known as Alexander and John's aestetics.

Both of the teens squealed in delight and thanked Henry as they raced towards some shelves.

"Yeet! I found a biography of Chris Jackson!" John yelled.

"I'll do you better! I found Miranda's!" Alex shouted from the other side.

"Shut up!" John yelled back, running towards his boyfriend to look. Both started squealing like fangirls and ran to more sections of the locked away part of the building.

James came knocking on the door frame. "Knock knock." He called.

"The kids are too busy fangirling over historical figures, but still, glad you could come join us." Henry smiled, turning over to James.

"Really? Wow, they both got that traits from their mothers huh?" James asked, sitting down next to Henry. "You know, Eleanore's love for history and Rachel's love for books."

"Ah yes..." Henry smiled as they kept watching the two run around.

"Hey, I'm proud of you." James suddenly said, not taking his eyes away from their sons.


"I'm proud of you. You used to be such a grump back in college, also homophobic as hell."

"Yeah, sorry about that. Elly changed my perspective I guess, either way Elly's the one who made me what I am today..."

"Same here with Rachel. Damn, I can remember the day you introduced me to her!"

"Bro, you two were destined! Plus, Elly told me you had a crush on her."

"Shut up." James chuckled and pushed Henry lightly on the shoulder.

The place turned quiet, seeing Alex and John alreadt snuggled up on a couch together, reading a biography of Miranda.

"How's Alex holding up?" Henry asked.


"Since Rachel and your eldest passed, how's he been?"

"He recovered, thanks to your son. Speaking of, how about John? Is he taking Eleanor's death okay?"

"I'd be lying if I said he did. He was a mess, but then again, Alex came around and brought him back up."

John kissed Alex's cheek and pulled him closer to him. Henry smiled and sighed fondly.

James stood up and walked over to John, Henry confusingly doing the same. "I give my blessing to you." James stated, making Henry laugh and the two blush.

"Daad!" Alex whined, hiding his face in his shirt.

"Same to you Alex." Henry said in between laughter.

"Oh my God!" John groaned and hid his flushed up face.

James and Henry just kept on laughing.

--- Present ---

"And now, we stand here united at last." John raised his glass of champagne along with Alex. "Thanks to our fathers, who not only supported us though this journey, but for also loving us unconditionally!"

The guests cheered and clapped, Henry sobbing happy tears while James laughed at him.

The newly weds went over to their fathers and gave them a tight hug. "Is there a reason why your wedding is on Father's Day?" James raised an eyebrow as he smirked.

"We wanted to dedicate this both of you." Alex started. "You both were there for no matter what and up until this date, you're both there. This day isn't only about us, it's about all of us."

"We may not have our mothers anymore." John joined in. "But, at least we still have our fathers, who never stopped loving us. Who would never hesitate to fight someone for our sake."

"Thank you." John and Alex said in unison.

Henry bursted into more tears and James laughed at him again. John and Alex joined in the laughter, geniunly happy to be together as a family.

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there.

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