Life And Death (F)

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John stepped out of the Earth's plane and into the pick-up zone, only to find a dog. "Awe, poor guy. Well, guess you're going to the afterlife buddy."

John is Death, he chooses whether a soul should go or wait out Life to take them back.

This dog, needs to go.

"Wait!" A voice emerged, a ball of light appeared out of thin air. Alexander tripped over his own foot and face-planted on the floor, though quickly getting up and pushing John away from the dog. "He's not going with you."

Alexander is Life, he comes to pick-up souls that are not yet suppose to go to the afterlife.

"Goodness Life! The dog needs to go!" John groaned, trying to pry off Life from the dog. "Stop resisting!"

"Nooo!" Alex screamed, his light shining brighter almost blinding Death.

"Life! This is insane! I give you a chance everytime! Last year it was a child and I gave him back to you! Give me the damn dog!"

Something triggered inside Life, so, he just hesitantly let go of the dog and let Death take him away.

John sighed and sent the dog to the underworld. After he was done, he turned back over to Alex, who was curled up like a ball. "Life-"

"You don't even call me by my first name anymore..." Alex mumbled. "You've changed..."

John winced and slowly sat beside him. Both didn't say a word, they just sat there, silent. "I don't know what has gotten in to you." John raise his voice a little. "It's just a dog, Life. There are tons of dogs back on Earth, wondering around the streets, being taken care of by their owners. Is there something going on inside your head? Do you need to tell me something? I can't just keep fighting with you everytime we pick-up a soul."

"People are committing suicide everywhere Death... They're being irrational and senseless. So, maybe I thought, if I could save at least a dog, then maybe the people would see how wonderful being alive is..."


"Do you know how much it hurts to remember that time we both appeared in the same room of a hospital? A mother was giving birth to twins... You took away the other..."

"Listen to-"

"And now, everyone is hating me... They hate me for bringing them to the world. They want you.... They always want you... They want you and I can't do anything about it..."

"Is that why you let me keep the people who died these past few months?" Death asked.

"What do you think? I don't want them to hate me anymore."

Alexander sighed and stood up, making John stand as well. "Alexander, listen to me." John grabbed him by the shoulders. "No matter what people might say about you, no matter how many people want me instead, remember this, I'll always want you. You're the better half of me, without you there'll be no balance and no living creatures on the planet, without you, I won't be here, you need to understand that. We work together on this, alright?"

"John, I can't keep this up... I can't keep watching people die."

"I know, I know Alex. But, if you could keep holding your chin up high and be that sweet ball of life to people, then I'm sure you'll be able to let others see how beautiful you are."

"This is why I love you..." Alexander muttered, quickly engulfing John in a hug.

"I love you too."

Their opposite aura's mixed together as one, sort of like a ying yang kind of thing, yet, not in a circular form.

"I'm sorry I don't call you by your first name at times. It gets really stressful in the underworld sometimes and it get really irritating." John apologized, patting Alexander's head.

"It's fine. You haven't changed John, you're still lovable Death, sorry if I said otherwise."

John just laughed and kissed the boys head, continuing to sway them to notjing in particular.

Hey guys, sorry if this is short. I'm going through shit right now so next one-shot might be angst? I don't know really.

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