Accused (A)

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This is a vent one-shot, so please, spare me.

Alexander's POV

I don't know how it all went to shit.

First thing I know, I'm spending the day with my boyfriend in our favorite ice cream parlor. Next thing I know, I'm being accused of theft.

"This is your bag, isn't it? Mr. Hamilton?" Principal Frederick asked me.

"Y-yes sir, but-"

"Then it is you that stole Ms. Maria Reynolds' pendant, correct?"

"What? No! Sir, I would never-"

"Just admit it Hamilton."

"Sir, I didn't do such a thing! I would never steal from my own best friend!"

"Mr. Hamilton, it is your bag stained with your finger prints and found you being the last person Ms. Reynolds talked to this afternoon. You are obviously the one to suspect."


"Enough Hamilton. You are suspended for a week."

"N-no, sir I didn't do it!"

"I said enough! You are suspended and that's final. Get out of my office!"

He slammed the door shut as soon as I stepped out his office. John's head snapped upward from his gaze of the floor, instantly running over to me. "Alex! What happened in there?!" He asked, noticing my tear stained cheeks.

"They think I stole Maria's ring!" I exclaimed. "She's my best friend, why would I even steal from her?! Now I'm suspended for a week! Great, just great!"

He pulled me in for a hug and I started crying on his chest. Why would I steal?
I never stole anything
Maria's my best friend
I don't steal
I'm not a thief
No, no no no
I would never do that to her

"Alex!" John's voice brought me back to reality. "Look, we'll walk home together and forget all this ever happened, after the week is up, I'll help you with everything you need. Okay? Don't cry baby, I'm here."

I nodded and started walking home with him. He's my neighbor so we live on the same block.

Once I reached home I kissed him goodbye before going inside my house. I saw my step mom, Duke, running around the house. "Mom?"

"You!" She yelled at me. Closing the door and throwing my bag across the room. "Where is my phone?!"

"I-I don't know, I never touched your phone!" I replied, sweating when she lifted me by the collar.

"Liar! I gave it to you! I told you to keep it safe!"

"Y-you never gave me your phone!"

"Liar!" She threw me on the floor. "I'll give you a week to find my phone or else you are living in the streets!" She screamed. She dragged me up to my room and locked me up there, leaving me to cry on my own.

I didn't do it
She never gave me anything
I never stole from Maria
She never gave me her phone
Maria's my best friend I would never
Mom thinks I'm lying
Everyone is hating me
Everyone is accusing me
What did I do wrong?
What did I do?
Did I do something I didn't know did?
What did I do?
What did I do?
What did I-

I heard my phone ring. I answered and wss greeted by Washington's booming voice.

"Alexander how could you?!"


"You cheated on the History exams?! Are you kidding me?!"

"Sir! No I didn't cheat! I worked hard on that test!"

"Hamilton, we found the answer sheet in your locker! We found evidence! After your suspension, you and I are gonna have a talk."

Then he hung up.

I just lost it, I couldn't handle it anymore.

Everything is going wrong! Everytjing just keeps getting worse!

Everyone hates you
You're a theif
A cheater
A lying bastard
An orphan who doesn't even deserve to live
Son of a whore

The loud tapping from my window brought me back to reality, looking up I saw John there, sitting on the branch. I opened the window and he jumped in.

"I heard your mom screaming at you, but she left the house and locked it. I only had one entrance left, and it's your window." He explained. I quickly hugged him and started crying, I cried and I cried as he patted my head. "Shh, it's okay Alex, I'm here, tell me everything."

"Principal Frederick accused me of stealing Maria's ring. I would never do such a thing to her! She's my best friend!" I sobbed. I felt him pick me up and carry me to my bed. "Then my step mom accused me of losing her phone, she never gave me her phone! What the hell is she talking about?! Now she gave me a week to find it or I'll be living in the streets! And now, Washington accused me of cheating on the History test! I worked non-stop and studied hard for that test, I would never cheat!"

"Breath Alex, breath."

I took a deep shaky breath and continued.

"I feel like shit, John. I feel like the whole world is accusing me for everything wrong that happens! It's like it wants me to get fucked up! I can't do it anymore John, I just can't! I can't take the accusations anymore, it's bad enough I get bullied because of being smart, it's bad enough they tease our relationship, but being accused for something you've never done hurts like hell! It hurts to think that people would easily point the finger at me when something goes to shit! I can't take it! I can't! I can't! I can't! I can't! I can't! I can't! I can't!"

"Shhh Alex shh... Calm down baby, calm down." John started to hold my head against his chest, humming a calming tune and gently rocking us back and forth on my bed. "Shh, Alex I'm here. I would never accuse you, I will never put the blame on you honey, just breath I'm right here, just breath."

I tried, but I just couldn't do it. John kept humming a low lullaby, which actually calmed me down after a while.

"I love you Alex, I will alway love you. I know being accused of everything bad that happens is tough, and belive me, I don't know half of whst you're feeling right now. But, always know I'm here when you need me, I'm just one call away then I'll save you, I'll listen to and understand you through everything, okay? I'm right here Alex. I promise, everything will work out in the end, we'll work through this together, just you and I against the world."

I smiled as tears still flowed down my eyes. I kissed him quickly by his jaw and muttered a thank you to him...

And for once...

The voices in my head stopped.

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