Fangs (A)

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John's POV
I got to school just in time, sitting down at my usual place, 'till I notice this new kid, sitting beside me. "Hey there." I greeted him. He jumped a bit before looking over.

"Oh, uh, hi..." He whispers quietly, like he wanted to be invisible.

"I'm Johnathan Laurens, John for short. You?"

"A-Alexander Hamilton... Alex for short."

I smiled at him and looked at what he was writting on his little notebook. "What'cha doing there?" I asked, peeking slightly.

"Nothing!" He yelped, closing the notebook shut and tucking it away in his bag. "Sorry, it's my journal... It's suppose to be secret."

"Hey, it's cool." I reassured. "So, you're new here?"

"Yes actually." He said, grinning at me.

"Awesome! I could show you around. I have some friends that I'd love you to meet."

"Oh, sure ok." He replied, before class started a few moments later. I don't know why, but I feel something strange around this kid. Sure, I'm totally gay and he is cute- or maybe even hot- but, it doesn't seem to feel like it's a crush thing...

Whatever, I'll figure it out at lunch.

After 1st period

"Hey Alex, what's your next class?" I asked, as we both packed up our stuff.

"Home Ec. Why?" He asked.

"Cool, me too, same goes for my friends. I'll introduce you to them when we get there." I replied, smiling at him.

"Ok sure." He says, following me to the room just down the hall. I saw Jefferson there, with Madison and Reynolds. God, we gotta walk pass these little cunts? Damn it.

"Hey Alex, stay behind me alright?" I instructed him, to where he gives me a confused look, yet doing as I said.

"Well if it isn't Columbia U's gay piece of shit, I see you have a little boy toy there too huh?" Jefferson's smug face taunted me, like it wanted me to punch it right then and there, but, as always, I kept my composure and just started walking again.

When I suddenly heard someone bang against the lockers. I jolted around and saw Reynolds holding Alex up against the lockers. "Hey not cool bro!" I yelled, pulling him away from the terrified boy and protecting him from any harm.

"Aww, is the poor little vampire in need of a savior? Pathetic!" Jefferson teased. What the hell did he mean by vampire? I brushed it off and shove him harshly.

"Lay off you fucking dick!" I shouted, gritting my teeth.

Alexander's POV
How the hell did he know? Did he see me outside or something? Didn't I hide it enough? I mean, I do wear a black hoodie and keep the hood up and basically hiding any part of my skin, but was it that obvious?

I snapped out of my thoughts when John got punched in the gut. I jolted up in alarm and started to head for the afro guy, who had his arms pinned on John on the ground.

I kicked him off, moving like lightning and shoving him back and forth. I finished up by kicking him to the wall and hissing in his face, showing my fangs at him, my eyes turning red and sharp. The guy looked utterly terrified and when I looked back, the other two were trembling and John was wide eyes, there were two new people who came around, one guy having his curly hair into a bun and the other had a beanie on his head.

I came to realize what I had done and my eyes turn back to normal. I stepped away from the crowd of people in front of me, backing away. What made me break is the terrified yet, shocked look John had across his face.

Tears pricked my eyes as I ran away from them, no destination in mind. I heard footsteps behind me, though it wasn't just belonging to one pair.

I shoved the doors to an empty dark science lab and running to a corner, before collapsing there, balling my eyes out.

"Alex..." I heard John's voice emerged. I sobbed harder when I felt his touch on my shoulder. I trembled as I sobbed hard. I felt two more figures surround me. "Alex calm down."

"How could you not stay away from a monster like me?!" I shouted, shaky since I was still crying. "You saw how much of a loonatic I am! How the fuck did I still make you run after me?!"

"Because I care Alexander! I care more than anything!" He shouted, gripping both of my shoulders.

"You hardly know me!" I said, voice fading as I remembered my father and mother, leaving me all alone. Dad said he cared about me and would never leave us, where the hell is he know?! Banging some lady in Vegas?! I started to have a mini panic attack, trembling like a guy on drugs.

"Herc, get the emergency panic attack kit in my locker. Laf, tell the Home Ec. teacher to excuse us and explain our current situation. Tell not to get involve, we have this under control." I heard John instruct the other two, who quickly shuffled from their seats and the door opening and closing.

I breath heavily, shaking like a freaking earthquake. I felt John's arms wrap around me and put me on his lap. "You can clutch on my clothes, ball your eyes out on my chest and scream out your feelings, I'm right here, ready to listen." He said.

I clutched onto him and started screaming. "What the hell is wrong with vampires?! Who said that all of them will suck out your blood at any moment?! That's a load of bullshit!" I started, not even caring anymore, I just need to let this all out. "Not all vampires are cruel! Some just have very emotional, mind breaking past! They do it out of their own will! They didn't want to, but vampires have emotions too you god damn humans!" I felt John rock back and forth, soothing me gently as I clutched onto him tighter. "Killing vampires isn't any different from killing humans! When you kill someone, you forcefully take them away from their family! Breaking more than one soul at a time! Making someone lose their minds! I'm talking to you dad! Why the fuck did you have to lose your mind and leave me like trash?! Mom would still be here if you hadn't been such a damn pussy and run off to who knows where!" I heard the doors push open and close again, signaling that the other two were back, though I didn't stop. "Vampires are not cruel you dumb fucking humans! They are somewhat similar to you! They're not that different, I'm not that different! Stop treating us like we're any more lower than you! Stop it with the garlic! Stop with the torture! Stop with out-casting us like we're a damn mistake in the world!"

"Listen to me Alex..." I heard John spoke up. "There are some people who think that you're different and that you're nothing more but a monster. But I don't look at you any less, maybe me and my friends can straighten you out. I'm sorry for your mother and fuck that bastard of a father you had, he's not worth crying over for. Let us fix that messed up boy inside, let us help you Alex. We're here now and we'll help you through this." He suggests, stroking my hair. My grip loosened as my crying died down.

I looked up and saw three people there. John took a tub of ice cream from behind him and gave it to me. I slowly began to eat... Chocolate... One of the most calming flavors of ice cream. I smiled as I felt John's arms wrap around me, and for once, I felt safe at last.

He's right, no use crying over the past... Time to let go.

Word Count: 1331

Damn, talk about emotions. Lol, I write angsty shit when I listen to classical music. But hey look! Vampire!Alex

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