Calculations (F)

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Eyyy, ya gurl's back and not feeling like a soggy depressed pretzel! Tis your original happy and bright gurl. Enjoy some fluff, yall earned it after being so patient.

Alex groggily woke up and saw his boyfriend asleep on the desk. It brought a slight grin on his face as he grabbed the green blanket and wrapped it around John. "Sleep tight hun, you earned it."

Alex combed his hair and grabbed his shoulder bag, leaving a note to John saying he'd be out for a while before leaving.

"Okay, first is grocery then I'll pick Samantha up from the airport, escort her home then grab John some of those fruit loops he loves so much and snuggle!" Alex's eyes lit up at the word 'snuggle'. "Alright, 30 minutes of shopping and estimating the time I'd get to the airport after returning home and leaving the groceries, plus traffic would be an hour and a half. Samantha might suggest clothes shopping so that would at least take an hour. I should just grab John's fruit loops while I'm at the grocery store. From Samantha's home back to here, it would take 30 minutes plus 10 minutes of traffic, so 40 minutes. So, in total my travel time would be 3 hours and 40 minutes." Alex muttered to himself as he started walking. He look at his watch and saw it was already 9:40 AM. "Since it's 9:40, in three hours it'd already be after lunch I'd be home at least by 1:15 in the afternoon without stopping for lunch. John would be eating by himself today, oh well. I'll just have to stop by a restaurant. So, waiting in line plus waiting for my food would be 30 to 40 minutes, eating would be at least 30 minutes, adding up to 60 to 70 minutes. Adding that to my time, my travel time would be in 5 hours to 5 hours and 10 minutes. I'd be home at least by 3:15 or 3:25 in the afternoon." As he finished his whole schedule, he mentally gave himself a pat on the back for calculating his travel time while simultaneously walking down the road.

"Alexander, you are a genius." He smirked at himself as he hopped on the bus.


John groggily got up from the desk, feeling a little more tired, despite having a nap. He found the note Alex left and smiled. He stretched his arms out and grabbed his art supplies, going over to the studio. Though, before he could even enter, Alex was already back with bags of groceries.

"Al, you know you could've left groceries to me. Aren't you suppose to be picking your cousin up from the airport?" John arched an eyebrow, helping his boyfriend with the bags.

"Yeah, but I know you still have to finish some commissions, so I decided to buy the groceries." Alex replied with a smile.

"Also, haven't you calculated you travel time already? Shouldn't you be heading to the airport right about now, Samantha's plane should've landed by now." John started, putting the groceries away as he talked.

"It's only 10:00, I'm 15 minutes early. Sam's flight lands on 11:00, so she'd be already there once I arrive, so it's cool." Alex replied. "We'll be snuggling once I get back right?"

"Of course."

"Awesome, well, I'm off John! See you later, love you!"

"Love you too."


"Yo, Alex, could you help me out for a moment?" John called from his studio. Alex had just gotten back from his little errand and was resting on the couch.

"What's up?" Alex asked, walking over to him, looking at the laptop's screen.

"Commissions are flooding and time's my worst enemy. Can you calculate how many hours it would take for me to finish these, plus how much money we're gonna get by the end of the month? Bills are coming in soon." John asked, obviously stressed out by computing.

Alex chuckled and grabbed his calculator. "I got this, you can take a break for now." He smiled as John stood up and kissed him on the forehead.

"Thanks Lex."

Alex didn't mind calculating everything for his boyfriend. To be completely honest, he loves to work with numbers. His brain seeks for new challenges everyday and John knows it.

Although, John's profession is not only arts and design. He's also good at analysis. I mean, he's not a detective for nothing.

"Uhm, John?" Alex called from the studio. "Mr. Green sent you an email."

"What is it?"

"Investigation downtown. Murder case."

"Alright, you're coming with me." John said, reaching for his coat.

"But, I'm not done here yet." Alex pouted.

"We have to go now, this case is more important. Come on, Alex."



It was already night when the two got back home. John plopped on the couch as Alex made a beeline for the studio. "Nope, get back here Alex." John called out.


"I know I said you could finish it once we get back, but you need rest."

"John, like you said, bills are coming by the end of the month. We have to make a budget."

"That could wait."

"No, I'm finishing my work."

"If you don't come over here and take a break, I will take away your calculator."

"You wouldn't." Alex glared.

John smirked and quirked an eybrow. "Try me."

Alex sighed and went over to his boyfriend and snuggled up with him, feeling relaxed in John's arms. "You still don't want to take a break?"

"Shut up."

I know it's random, but I just had to update. Also, sorry if I had the calculations wrong, I'm not that good in Math. Anyway, Re out! Love you guys <3

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