Bad Day (F)

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John's POV

I came home from work and let me tell you something, Charles motherfucking Lee is such an asshole. He made this little shitty speech about Washington not doing his job or something like that. Ugh, he's the damn problem here, not Washington. I slammed the door closed, which caused frantic footsteps running down the stairs. I looked behind me and saw my husband, Alexander, hair frazzled and wearing a maroon robe. "Oh, goodness Christ John. You scared the shit out of me." He sighed in relief, walking over to me and giving a kiss on the cheek. "What happened at work? You seem stressed out." He asked, pulling me over to the living room and sitting down on the couch.

"Well, Charles Lee made this fucking scene at the meeting earlier." I scoffed, throwing my bag to the side. "Said something 'bout Washington being a huge dick and not doing his job correctly, like bitch fuck off! You're the one who doesn't do jack shit at all!" 

Alex put a hand on my mouth to shut me up. "Tone it down a bit hun, you'll wake Philip." He warned, giving off a warm smile before gently removing his hand away. "Calm down and gently tell me what happened. Control the temper sweetie."

God, Alex is the only one who can do this to me. "Alright." I said softly. "As I was saying, Charles doesn't know what the hell he's talking about. I mean, we met Washington in highschool and he was the best Student Council President Columbia U ever had! No one can just talk shit about him like that, he's our friend and I ain't letting a stuck-up asshole named Charles Lee sink Washington's name down."

"Why do I feel like that's not the only reason you want to basically challenge him into an old fashion duel?" He asked, holding one of my hands in both if his. "He said something about me and you... Did he?" I looked over to him, shocked. How in the world did he see through that?! 

"I'm sorry I couldn't defend us." I whispered, placing my free hand on his, which held my other one firmly. "I wanted to, but it would cause a scene. I know you don't like it when I do that."

"It's fine John, really. I appreciate the fact that you remembered the promise I trust you to keep."  Alex replied, still having that warm smile on his face. I pressed my forehead on his, closing my eyes and held his hand tighter. "I love you John."

"I love you too Alex." I whispered back before kissing him, short yet filled with love. "What would I do without you?"

"Probably go off and kill Charles Lee or something." He giggled as well as I. We both heard little footsteps going down the stairs. We turned around and saw Philip there, a stuff bear that Eliza and Peggy bought him in one of his arms and the other rubbing his right eye. "Hey Pip, nightmare?" Alex asked our son, who shook his head and just went over to us, sitting in between.

"I heard papa screaming his head off." He said, looking up at both of us. Alex gave me that 'I told you so'  look. I laughed awkwardly as I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Sorry about that Pip, papa just got a bad day at work." I said, before realizing something. "Uh, you didn't hear much right?"

He shook his head. "I woke up a few minutes ago, you were screaming then I hear ma mutter something, then both of you started to talk quietly. When I was sure you two were done, I went to check what happened." He explained, I sighed in relief and Alex gave me a look that said 'you're lucky he didn't hear anything'

I laughed and both hugged them. "Hey, it's a Friday night. Wanna stay up and watch movies?" I asked them.

"Why not? Philip, you help your papa set up and pick the movie, I'll get us some popcorn." Alex said, before getting up and going to the kitchen. After a while, we got everything we needed. Philip sat in between us, huddled under our embrace while I placed an arm around both of them.

"You guys can make one of the worst days into a good one, I love you for that." I told them.

"We love you too." They said in unison and kissing each side of my cheeks. 

"Now shut up and play the movie, I wanna watch some disney princesses." Alex whined, making me and Philip laugh. Where would I be without them?

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