Explain To The Children (F)

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Jfc, talk about First Burn,geez. Anyway, on with the one-shot. Also, I don't know if John and Alex were married at the time or fiancès, so I'm making them fiancè's right now. Also, I made up the name for John's aunt and uncle.

Alexander woke up to children running around downstairs. He looked up and saw the clock.

10:45 AM

'What time did I sleep again last night?' He thought to himself, groggily getting up and fixing the bed. His hair stood wild and were placed in weird angles, but nonetheless, looked decent enough.
Catching a whiff of food, he smiled and went downstairs, finding his fiancè cooking and their children running around, playing what seemed to look like chase.

He went over to John and wrapped his arms around the taller's waist, burying his face on John's back. "Good morning Alex." John greeted, letting go of the spatula and then turned around. He nuzzled Alex's nose and left a kiss on his forehead. "What time did you sleep last night?"

"I have no idea." Alex mumbled, muffled since he kept burying his face on John's shirt.

"Well, you're awake. That's what matters." John stated, leaning down to kiss Alex's head. "The kids have been bugging me to wake you up, I refused. You looked really peaceful when you're asleep, considering the habit you had in college."

Alexander chuckled at the memory. "Still have it."

John giggled and sent his fiancè off to the kids, who were running around in the backyard. "Mama!" The little girl called out from their tree house.

Alex loved it when they call him mama, it always reminded him of himself when he was younger. He used to call his mother, mama.

The little girl came running down the circular staircase that lead to the door of thee tree house. Behind her, came running her brother.

Alex kneeled down and opened his arms, getting tackled on the ground by the children. "Good morning Frances, you too Philip." He greeted, kissing each of their foreheads.

"We made something!" Philip announced, showing of a toothy grin. Frances and Philip took their father's hand and pulled him over to the mini-garden they have.

Philip placed a flower crown made of daisies, peonies, roses and lavenders. Alex smiled and looked at his kids. "I love it."

"Frances tied them together, I picked the flowers." Philip proudly stated. Alex pulled both kids in a hug before standing up and started heading back inside, letting their children run around the yard.


"I don't think this is a good idea John..." Alex fidgeted with the hanfle of his suitcase. "Remember, I won't be able to talk to them..."

"I know, I know ,Lexi, but they also know ASL, you have nothing to worry about." John reassured.

They got a letter from John's aunt and uncle, the only people in their family that really accepted John, and told them to stay at their place for a while.

"That's good to hear, but what about Philip and Frances? They wouldn't understand why I'm not talking." Alex countered.

"Then we'll explain to them."


"Shh, everything's going to be just fine Alexander, you don't need to be afraid." He kissed Alex on the forehead and started heading for the door, Alex following closely behind.

Philip loaded his and his sister's bags in the trunk of the car and took his seat in the back, next to Frances. Alex took John's bag and neatly loaded it, closing the trunk and going over to the passenger's seat. John had started the car while Alex was busy at the back, so all he had to do was make sure everything was packed and everyone was safely secured, before buckling up himself then drove off down South.

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