7 Minutes With A Vampire (F)

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Prompt from: CodeElesis

This is to make up for the angst last chapter and for celebrating 3k reads. Thanks for the support everyone, I love you guys. 

We travel to a universe where supernatural beings and humans live together in harmony. Alexander is a your friendly neighborhood magician, always makes the children happy with his little tricks and street shows, everyone loves him. He also has his best friend named, John Laurens. John's a sweet yet very self-absorbed vampire, though he means no harm. Teenagers  just loves to hang out with him, they say he was the coolest gay vampire there is.

There's that too, John's gay and Alexander is bi. They aren't miserable at all though, in this universe, people accept all kinds of people, queers and all. The only question that floated in people's minds, is how did they manage to be friend without basically killing each other. John's a bloodsucker, he can easily suck the life out of Alex if he wanted to, yet, he didn't

The answer's quite simple.

Alex likes John and he feels the same, though they haven't told anyone yet, not even each other. 'Cause, let's face it, these two are too oblivious to see hints. Alexander gets easily flustered when John makes these flirty bold moves, though he thought nothing romantic out of it. 

John is just too denial to accept that Alex likes him. He notices Alexander's little adorable blushes and he fidgets with his shirt when John's beside him, but, John was too stubborn to admit to himself that Alexander likes him too. 

Long story short, these two are unbearable to watch. It's up to their squad to get them on the right path. 


"Peggy, are you sure they're even going to say yes?" Eliza, the said girl's sister, asked. "Isn't this too much?"

"What are you talking about Lizard? Of course it's not!" Peggy replied, instructing the butlers to hang up the streamers.

"I'm not talking about the rainbow streamers. I'm talking about the confetti canons." Eliza pointed her thumb behind her, clearly terrified at the object. "Isn't it... dangerous?"


"Peggy, listen to Eliza. I don't want confetti getting stuck in my hair." Angelica emerged from the kitchen, helping Eliza push out the cannons as Peggy pouted. "Anyway, I invited everyone, including the main couple of the hour."

"Did they accept?" Peggy asked, eyes sparkling.

"Mhm." Angelica hummed, smirking to herself. "It's not like they have a choice anyways..." She mumbled, yet the two heard and shot her a weirded out look.

"Okay then..." Peggy said, turning the other way and went back to decorating.

--- Meanwhile ---

"Alright, alright." John snorted, catching his breath. "What about that one time with JD at the fountain."

"Oh God, no!" Alex fake-gasped then proceeded to laugh. "He got so shookt by that turtle and dove face first into the fountain!" He snorted.

"Man I love turtles!" John exclaimed. "But, not as much as I like you." He smoothly wiggled his eyebrows, making Alex smack him playfully on the shoulder, still laughing and slightly blushing.

John found it adorable when he blushes, so he makes sure to make the guy blush as often as he can.

"Oh! Oh! That time with Lafayette!" Alex bounced up and down on his seat, facing John with an expectant look.

"You mean the time he got drunk?"

"Yeah!" Alex exclaimed. "He went over to my bathroom and took the running shower head, telling it to stop crying!"

They both lost it and started laughing their asses off. They could stay here all day, recalling memories.

"Hey, we're still going to the Schuylers' party, right?" Alex asked, swinging his feet back and forth as they sat on the top of a brick wall. 

"Definitely, Angie'll hunt us down if we don't show." John chuckled at the thought.

"Alright, let's go get ready. The party starts 2 hours from now." 

John nodded and slowly floated down the wall, while Alex pulled out his wand and levitated himself down gently. Once on the ground, both went on to their houses, which are next to each other if I may add.


The party was in full swing, people and supernatural beings dancing everywhere and drinking booze. Alex coughed when he got a whiff of smoke, making John cover his mouth and nose gently with his hankie, guiding both of them to the other room, where they found the rest of their friends, sitting in a circle. Laf and Herc were already drunk, Herc pretending Eliza's pillow was a baby (they're in Eliza's room, since her room had no secrets to hide, not like Angie and Peggy.) and Laf was talking to a potato.

"Hey! You guys came! Get in here, we're about to play 7 minutes in heaven." Peggy exclaimed. 

"But *cough* what about the guests?" Alex asked, taking John's hankie and coughing at it. "You girls are hosting a party, shouldn't you-"

"Those motherfuckers can take care of themselves, booze and cigarettes are in there, they'll be fine." Angie brushed it off. "Anyways, since both of you came last, you get to be in the closet." She stood and forcefully pushed the small magician and his vampire best friend inside the closet, locking it after.

"7 minutes guys!" They heard Herc slur.

John faced the magi beside him and saw his hard pink blushing cheeks, they were inside a cramp closet, there isn't a time they're not touching each other. "Are you blushing?" John teased, looking down at him.

"N-no!" Alex defended, crossing his arms and turning the other way. 

"Yeah you are!" John teased more, laughing and ruffling the shorter's hair. "Why though?"

"I don't know, you're just really cool." Alex mumbled more things under his breath, but John couldn't make out a word he said.

"Well, it's flattering to have you blush at my presence." John admitted, finally confident that Alex likes him in THAT way too.

Awkward silence...

Alex was now side-by-side with John again, waiting for seven minutes to be over. 

Awkward silence continues...

Until John broke it.

"So, are we gonna kiss or what?"

Then Alex fainted.

Lams One-Shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora