A/N (Maybe important IDK)

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Hi guys!

It's been nearly a year since I started writing this story and I'm really proud of how far it came. I love every single vote and comment. (I literally thrive off of comments haha)

So I was trying to re read through this and the lack of paragraphs, grammar errors, and the overall plot was killing me.

I was thinking of re writing the story! But that would mean I would have to unpublish it while I worked on it. Would that be fine with everyone? It would probably take a few months to edit but I want to improve it.

So... if you guys who read it would like it edited please say! Because I've gotten back into binge writing and think this could be a nice thing to do with the newfound addiction haha.

Anyway! Thank you for reading!

Love you all,

Minx xox

Making You Smile- [Ereri/Riren]Where stories live. Discover now