Waking up too early. Gods, why do I have to battle again?

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I woke up with a loud crash. Actually, I had woken up a bit before with small crashes. But I had refused to open my eyes. Don't call me stupid. I only didn't because I thought it was a silly fight involving Vi and Tommy. How in the world was I supposed to know we were being chased and the small crashes were Toph hitting things in the way while desperately trying to run? Anyways, the loud crash scared me. I left my peaceful and dreamless sleep to get into a world of pure chaos. The van was crushed against a giant tree, and from it, smoke was rising. I heard Toph mumble something such as 'shit, now I won't be able to fix it' before jumping out of the car through the window. Which was broken, by the way. Mine as well.

I turned back lazily to find the back of the van empty. Still half asleep, I put my disastrous hair up in a bun and left the same way Toph had.

To my uttermost surprise, a giant snake (Mikró) was fighting another giant snake, that had dark green scales. The eyes were light pink, which I must say, were way more intimidating than you'd think they would be. But that was not all! Right next to Mikró, Vi was screaming something like 'you annelid ozostomic acatalectic reptile! You'll never win against my enchanting Mikró!'

As if that wasn't enough trouble, Toph was assisting Maggie to bring down a giant bunny. When I say giant, I mean the beast had to have at least thirty-five feet tall. It also had the same pink eyes as the snake.

Last, but definitely not least we had Tommy. Who was single-handedly fighting fifteen, yes fifteen, zombie-like creatures. And I bet you can't guess what color their eyes were. Blue. Just kidding, they were pink as well.

I hesitated. Not because I'm not brave, stop accusing me of things. Because I had no idea who to help. For one we had Mikró who was already really, really hurt. For another, the bunny wasn't taking any of Toph's blows. And obviously, the fact that Tommy was fighting all alone.

Suddenly, I felt like a lightning hit me (I'd later learn that lightning did hit me) and my sight went black. No, I did not black out again. I was just blind. Partially, though. I could see some shining yellow dots floating around.

For a couple moments, I just stood there, doing nothing at all, trying to understand what the heck had just happened. Then (probably because of another little help from the gods) it hit me. The dots were the vital spots of everyone who was there with me.

I finally moved, tapping my necklace three times and heading towards the snake. It had a very big weak spot, only it wouldn't stop moving.

- Vi! Vi! - I screamed as loudly as I could.

- Humm... Katherine? I'm right beside you

- Ah. I need your help. You have to guide me to the top of that snake's head. I 'm kind of blind.

- What?

- No time to explain, just do it.

- Are you insane? First of all, not even Mikró is managing that filthy idiot, you haven't got a chance while...

- Mikró just can't reach it. - my mind was already on autopilot. It traced a scheme and a trajectory.

- What...?

- She can't reach the other snake's weak spot. Not without exposing hers.

- How do you...? It doesn't matter. Besides that, I'm not good at guiding people. I get too distracted too easily.

- I know. But you're my only option. - Vi breathed out loudly and probably nodded. How would I know? I was blind. Gods are so annoying. They have two options: leave my sight on and add the yellow dots or just the yellow dots and the rest black. Why not the second, it'll be more fun! But unfortunately, I had to leave my complaining for later, seeing that I'd die if I did it at the moment.

- Ten. Nine. Eight.

- Wait, what are you counting down for?

- For you to jump. Three.

- What?

- One. Go!

Even not understanding a single thing, I jumped. And hit a wall. That was moving. Wait, no, it was a snake. I held on to some scales and climbed on top, holding firmly.

- You're on Mikró. Go pulling yourself towards her head.

- And where is her head?

- To the right. - I started going right. Probably. Look, someone with ADHD doesn't have what it takes to pay enough attention to learn what is right or left and much less to remember it later. Or maybe it is just me... - The other right!

So I pulled myself to the other side, scale by scale until I touched something kind of gooey and earned a monstrous cry.

- That's Mikró eye!

- Oh, sorry. - I muttered, patting her head. - I need you to tell me when to jump to reach the middle of that snake.

No answer. Probably nodding again. For the smartest kid I have ever known, Vi was being quite stupid. But I was confident she had heard me, so I stayed in position for a while until out of the bloody nowhere, without countdowns, Vi screamed 'now!'. And I jumped.

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