Garlic, potatoes, and seals

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          - That's bad. – I basically was putting into words what everybody was thinking. – The old gods, the mean ones, have learned how to evolve. Great! Meanwhile, the good ones don't. Why can't they join the war?

- Curses and other enemies, I guess. And maybe that's exactly what the enemy wants. For the gods to leave the Olympus unprotected so that they can invade and take over the power or something. – Maggie shook her head – We're all alone.

The van then fell silent again. Toph had slept, as well as Thomas and Maggie. I was feeling the desperate need to join them, but I kept awake in case something happened. Anyway, I was left alone with my thoughts, which were extremely confused and random. So, it was definitely good to have some time just to myself.

After a while, we stopped to eat at a little dinner in the middle of the road. It was extremely retro and smelled strongly like fries. We sat at one of those red vinyl sofas and waited.

A waitress came to write down our order. She had dirty blond hair, dark brown eyes, thin eyebrows and a rough nose. We ordered some cheeseburgers and the specialty of the house: potatoes with garlic. She kept staring at Argos, and I wondered what she saw through the mist. A man with loads of eye tattoos? No idea. While we were waiting for our order, I decided to go to the bathroom (you know, ADHD and stuff, don't really know how to sit and wait).

I washed my face, then my hands. Then I used the bathroom. Then I washed my hands again, followed by my face. Only after a few minutes, I realized that the last cabin was occupied. After a rush of embarrassment, I decided to explore.

Outside the dinner, there was a small garden with a fountain right in the middle of it. The fountain wasn't working and the garden was mostly dead, but I liked the place. A little red bench at the corner seemed very comfy, so I just sat on it and started thinking about my mission.

I don't know when it happened (I was gazing very intensively), but when I looked down, my arms were wrapped in vines and I was stuck to the bench. Of course, I tried to leave, but it was useless. Those were some very strong vines.

The logical thing to do would have been to ask for help, and I was going to do it, but then stopped at the sight of a giant seal. The only thing was that it had human legs, that were extremely furry and dirty. The thing's eyes were completely black and they were staring right into me.

The attack was so weird that it got me completely by surprise. Seal-man threw himself at the ground and started spinning, taking me to the ground too by pulling the vines. It was like a sick version of that game where there's a person twirling a rope on the floor and you have to jump it or you lose. The only difference was that losing meant dying, and the rope was a seal-man.

I touched three times in my necklace and it immediately turned itself into a sword. The fight was happening so naturally that I felt as though as I had been born for this. First, I cut those vines and stood up. Then, I gathered all the strength that I had and tried to shove my sword into those weird legs. It didn't even scratch him.

When I finally realized that I should ask for help, the monster threw me on the floor. My sword went away from me and it wouldn't come back soon enough for me to defend myself.

That was when the weirdest thing happened. The waitress took my sword and stuck it inside the seal's jaw. All I could do was stare as she cleaned the blood in her apron and the seal turned to dust.

- Demigods, huh? I should've figured the seal would come after you guys. That thing has been tormenting me for weeks. All I needed was some celestial bronze. Thanks, by the way. My name is Laura. – she helped me get up. – The only thing that is confusing me is why it attacked you first. Any idea?

- Oh, I'm sure why. – I straightened my recently ruined camp t-shirt. – It's because I'm Katherine Smith, Daughter of Gods. 

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