Sandy Haired Boy

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          I woke up and found myself in a large room filled with books, chips packages and a ping pong table. I was in an old, rusty and stinky couch. The whole place smelled like diet coke, fungi and rotten paper. As soon as I tried to stand up, I fell back on the couch, with an excruciating pain in my leg. It felt as it had been burnt, broken and smashed several times (later I found out that that was exactly what had happened).

- Whoa, take it easy. You shouldn't be walking. Or doing anything actually. I have no idea how you survived that. – Said a tall boy with a surfer's body, shaggy blonde hair that looked like sand and blue eyes . I had no idea how long he'd been there, and I hoped that I hadn't spoken anything weird in my sleep. – You'd feel better if you drank a little bit of that golden juice over there.

I reached out for the drink that Sandy haired Boy had pointed out. It was filled with ice and had a little straw coming out of it. I hesitantly took a sip and got scared, as the drink tasted exactly like my mom's homemade brownies.

- What's this? – I asked amazed to the boy, that had now sat down in a small chair next to me.

- Nectar.

- Like flower nectar?

- No, like god nectar. – I took another sip of the nectar, and it felt like my leg wasn't hurting as much as before.

- God? Like...

- Zeus, Hera, Apollo, and so on. Greek gods. – I looked at him in disbelief. If he had told me that two days ago, I would've thought that he owed a visit to an asylum. But after Eurynomos tried to kill me and Rob...

- Wait. Is Rob really dead? – Sandy haired Boy nodded and I resisted an enormous urge to cry. If I had given myself up to the monster, maybe he would've spared Rob's life. That thought, a question popped up in my mind. – Wait. How did I survive? And where am I by the way?

- You're at Camp Half-Blood, the refugee for half-bloods from all over the world. – I tried to figure out how exactly that answered my question, but after a few seconds, I just gave up on trying to understand. – As for your other question... Don't you remember?

- Well, I remember Rob fighting Eurynomos, him... Him being killed also. Then I remember I felt an urgent need to fight, to do something to avenge his death. Then I jumped towards Eurynomos and felt fire burn my skin, but I didn't care. I should've, though. A couple of seconds after, I blacked out. – He opened a small smile and shook his head slightly.

- Oh, you didn't black out. – He started telling me what had really happened, that was somewhat like this:

He and a group of half-bloods were at the surroundings of the cinema and came to help when heard the noise that we were making. When they got there, all they saw was Rob dead on the floor, Eurynomos on one corner and me on the other. They recognized Eurynomos from some old books descriptions, and thought that I was going to die. But then I started catching fire and kind of flew in the direction of Eurynomos (Sandy haired Boy described it as a very big jump) and started punching him everywhere my fists could reach, and where they couldn't, my feet did the job. After I stopped, Eurynomos had cavities all over his body, on the places that I had hit him, but they quickly disappeared and all I had done was make him madder. I had stopped catching fire by now, but it hadn't been making much difference in the first place.

Afterwards (I didn't believe much this part), I put my hand on the floor and took out a celestial bronze (a special metal that's able to kill monsters) sword, brand new, with rubies and diamonds incrusted in the handle. When I charged at him, golden blood flooded from him. Even though the wounds didn't heal as fast as they had with the punches, Eurynomos was still resisting. He threw me in the wall and I fell down on my leg (that's where the broken came from), but I couldn't stop fighting. Not because I had a very big willpower, but because he started to punch me and was desperately trying to cut me in half with his axe. When all of the odds were shouting that I was going to lose that fight (Sandy haired Boy told me that they tried to help, but there was a barrier that kept them from coming close to the battle. Although I think that they were just too scared to help me against an immortal being, I would've done the same, so I forgave them), I started catching fire again, but this time, it was multi-colored, and it seemed to harm Eurynomos. Then, a flood of water came from the bathroom, and as it touched me, it started catching fire too, and golden chains came from the ground and wrapped themselves around Eurynomos. Every time I hit him with the sword, the wound didn't heal, and he was buried deeper on the ground. At last, I stuck the sword deep in his chest, and as the earth swallowed him, the sword and the chains, I stopped catching fire and fell unconscious on the ground.

- The gods must really like you, because they gave you a hell of a blessing. – Sandy haired Boy said, changing the bandages on my leg.

- What do you mean?

- Well, you basically used most of their powers in the battle, so they must've lent them to you temporarily. – He stood up and straightened his hair. – I just wish I knew who's your parent

- My parents died when I was just a baby, not even I know who are they.

- One of them, maybe. But the other one is a god. Or else you wouldn't be able to enter the camp. That's why it's called Camp Half-Blood. Half human, half god.

- Who's your parent? - I asked. He smiled and gave a little pink cube to me.

- Eat this – I took a bite and tasted a cinnamon ice cream that I had once tried in Seattle. – It's ambrosia, and it acts just like nectar. Don't exaggerate on it though. It could make you burst into flames. As for your question, I'm a son of Apollo. My name's Will Solace by the way.

I stared at him and tried to remember the little that I knew about greek mythology. Apollo was the god of music, prophecy, the sun, poetry... And of course, medicine. That explained why Will was taking care of my leg.

- Has everyone has a godly parent in Camp? – I asked.

- No, we also have satyrs, nymphs, centaurs and an actual god. I think you can walk now. – I stood up and tried to walk. I was a bit shaky, but that wasn't that big of a problem. – So, I suppose we're going to have to find some clothes for you.

I looked down and saw that my t-shirt had been completely destroyed, half burnt, half torn. My pants were singed in multiple places and there was a huge rip where my leg had been broken.

- Yeah, new clothing sounds like a good idea – Will gave a little smirk and showed me the door.

- Come, I'll show you the camp... Oh I almost forgot to ask, what's your name? – he turned around to look at me.

- Katherine. Katherine Smith.

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