A Snake Dude Wants to Kill Me

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          Even though I saw Chiron trying to stop me to talk, I kept walking. First walked, then ran, and went to the only place where I wouldn't be bothered: Artemis's cabin.

          The inside was a bunch of bunker beds ramped together at the corner, with bows and arrows everywhere the sight reached. There was a window at the top of the ceiling, and I figured that when the moon aligned with it, an image would be formed on the floor.

          I laid down in the first bed I could find and threw all the blankets I could find over me.

          - Ok, gods, please hear me. I do not want to go on this quest, I do not want someone to be lost, I do not want any soul reaching its end and I definitely do not want to choose about the fate of the Olympus. – I thought I heard a thunder rumbling in the distance, but apart from that, no answer. So I kept going. – Why did you do this to me Artemis? Why did you let me live when I shouldn't have? Is it because you want your only daughter to die gracefully? As a hero? Well, I have some news for you, I don't want to be a hero. The thing is, I don't have a choice, do I? So now I've got to do all the things that you gods don't do.

          I realized that I'd been screaming, but I still had no answer. I hoped nobody would come to see if everything was alright. So, I turned and got the softest pillow I could find and burrowed my head in it. As my eyes started weighting down I realized how tired I was.

          I let my tiredness consume me and immediately slept.

          The dream didn't take long to come. I was in a large room made of a black material, probably ebony. Five coffins were disposed in a circle in the middle of the room.

          The first one was made of mud, and was embedded with precious gems. From it grew little flowers, that died about a second after blooming and turned back to mud.

           The second coffin was dark red, just like blood, and I could hear screams coming from it. Drawn on the sides of it were upside down rivers, monsters fighting humans, suffering in general. Also, a black liquid swirled around it, and as it bubbled, a terrible smell came from it (yes, demigods have all five senses in dreams), as that of rotten eggs.

          The third one was less terrible. It was of a very dark blue, and little diamonds were inlaid to look like stars. On its top, a bright red light glowed and a drawing that looked very much like a blood Moon was the one emanating this light. Under the moon there was a drawing of a woman dressed all in silver, bowing towards the red light.

          The fourth one had all possible natural shades of blue, some red and some orange. It almost seemed like a beautiful painting of a sunset, but it was all cracked, and from inside the slots, a dark atmosphere leaked, such as what black magic would look like.

          All the coffins were very frightening, but the middle one was the one that scared me the most. I t was bigger than the other ones, and it was made of pure platinum. Carved in it were the most horrible things, such as tortures, treasons and other things that were so shocking that I couldn't describe it. All the coffins had a black aura, but on the middle one, it almost seemed like fog. It was thick and nauseating. But the thing was that at the same time I wanted to go as far away from that coffin as fast as I could, I also felt tempted to come closer, even open it.

          A boy about eighteen years old came into the room. He had dark brown hair carefully put up in a spike tuft. He had an impatient look on his face and held a scythe about his size with a blade made of two different metals: bronze and iron.

          But the weirdest thing about him were his eyes. They looked like they were made of pure liquid gold, and had such a wild ferocity that I immediately wanted to step away from them. The boy awkwardly bowed to the five coffins and sat on a small golden throne.

          Then, a creature entered the room. It looked like a brawny grown man, but his legs were replaced by dozens of snakes. From his shoulders, some dragon heads erupted, with black serpent tongues coming out of them. His eyes looked like fire, and his teeth were pointy and very white.

          - Kronos... - he started saying, and his voice seemed like the pain you get when you break a leg.

          - Lord Kronos – the golden eyed boy (Kronos, apparently) said, with hatred and tiredness in his voice. Then it hit me. Was he the titan Kronos? For real?

          - You aren't my lord. He is. – the monster pointed out the middle coffin. – your command is only temporary. After that stupid son of Poseidon killed you...

          - My hostage did it. – Kronos raised up from his chair and I could almost see the bitterness and the shame that the memory brought. – For a minute, only a minute, I lost control and that stupid boy chickened out.

          - Your fault, as you should've chosen a better hostage. – the monster gazed with envy at the golden throne. He didn't seem very happy about Kronos's temporary command. Kronos must had noticed it, because he opened a smile.

          - Oh Typhon, I understand you. You think that you're too important to receive orders, and your powers are being underestimated. But you, my dear, are going to have the most important task. – Typhon straightened up and Kronos widened his smile. He had gotten the attention he wanted. – According to what I know, the girl already talked to the Oracle. Soon enough she'll find out that we're in Melbourne and will try to save the Olympus. Of course, the prophecy says that she is the key to our victory, but we are already very powerful, and without her, the gods won't stand a chance. So you, Typhon the destroyer, will end her. Of course, we'll first give her the option to help us, but it's very much possible that she'll decline. Sounds good to you?

          - Yes, indeed. – Typhon's eyes shined with the idea of killing me (at this point it was obvious who they were talking about. If you want to kill someone because that someone is too powerful, then that someone is me). – Let's hope she declines, though. I heard she's a good fight.

          He made a huge reverence, his attitude now completely different from than when the dream started. He also reverenced towards the coffins and then left. The image slowly disappeared and no more dreams came after (at least not important ones), and all I could think of was that I heard that name before: Typhon.

          I kept wondering until it hit me: Typhon was that huge giant that fought Zeus and had almost taken over the Olympus twice, once in the last God War.

          And he wanted me dead. And he would do it himself.

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