The Prophecy

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          We walked for a long time until we reached a little cave on one of the many Camp Half-Blood hills. Inside, it was very messy and had the walls entirely painted, and the floor was stuffed with colorful pillows. There was a small table in which there were mountains of biscuits and dirty cups of tea.

When Max told me I was going to see the Oracle, I imagined a lot of things. An old man. A very big talking book. Even a mummy. I definitely wasn't expecting a woman. She looked like an overgrown teenager, with her frizzy red hair, freckled face and playful green eyes. She wore an Academy of Art t-shirt, and jeans with doodles and pokes in it.

The weirdest thing about her was that a green mist was swirling around her, and in my head, there was a voice calling my name (Kaaaaatherineeeeee Smiiiiith) over and over again. I could see the mist moving as if it was the one saying my name, but the voice was inside my head.

- Tell it you came to hear the prophecy. – Chiron said. I took a step forward as everyone else left the cave. I felt really weird, being alone with that woman, but better alone than with everyone waiting to see what was the prophecy. So, I spoke, loud and clearly (or at least as loud and clearly as I could).

- I am Katherine Smith. I wish to hear my prophecy. – for a while, nothing happened. I was almost going to say something else when the voice in my head ceased. A human body formed from the mist, and it was exactly like my adoptive mom. But the voice that came out when she spoke was still the same that had been calling my name. It said:

"Four brave heroes shall go south,

One will be lost, another will be found.

The purest soul will reach its end,

The Alliance, as one, shall finally rise again.

And the Daughter of Gods, once and for all

The fall or rise of Olympus shall decide"

The mist disappeared and the woman closed her mouth at last. She blinked hard a couple of times, as though she had just woken up from a very long nap. After a while, she finally realized I was there. After a few seconds of confusion, she must have realized what had happened.

- Hello. My name is Rachel Elizabeth Dare. I suppose you have just received one of my prophecies. – I nodded as she gathered a few pillows and sat on them. She took a biscuit from the top of the tower she had made and started eating it. – Pardon my manners, I just get extremely whenever I say a prophecy. So, what's it about.

- Well, I have to defeat a thing called The Alliance and probably will die. And also, I can choose to destroy the Olympus. – I figured I could tell her about it. She was the Oracle after all, why would I try to hide something for her. When she offered me a biscuit, I took it and sat next to her on the piled pillows.

- So, you're the Daughter of Gods? – I nodded – Well, that's great! I'm sorry that must've sounded wrong. I'm not happy about what the prophecy says or what you have to do. It's because I've been releasing little bits of this prophecy at least once a week and don't get me wrong, I love being the host of the Oracle of Delphos... But having to give this many prophecies is tiring and I think I gained some 11 pounds only on the eating I have to do after every prophecy. Anyway, how was the prophecy, exactly?

After telling her the prophecy, she stood quiet for a long time. Or for a moment. Time in that cave seemed to pass too slowly and too fast at the same time. Finally, she nodded and asked me to leave. I found it very strange (I mean, who wouldn't?), but I did as she said. In my way back to Hermes's cabin, where I would gather my belongings (Rob's dagger and a leather bracelet) and take them to Artemis's cabin, where I would stay, I found a girl sitting in the corner of Nice's cabin, sharpening a small knife, that scared me just a little bit .

Her hair was light brown, but the tips were painted in a soft pink color. Her eyebrows were as thick as could be, but perfectly made. She was chewing gum, even though her brown lipstick was still perfect on her lips. I wasn't the kind of person that is jealous, but Camp Half-Blood seemed to change that. We were on two and counting (The girl and Maggie, of course).

She looked as though someone had just challenged her to do something technically impossible, and she had done it anyway. But apart from that conquer aura that she had, I also felt that she was lonely. Don't get me wrong, though. She seemed to be doing very well on her own, but would appreciate some company. So, I sat beside her and for a long time neither of us said anything, until she turned to me and said:

- Usually, when someone sits beside another person, she means to say something. – her iris was reddish-brown, like it was on fire, and it was staring right through my soul. – so I'm assuming that you're not usual.

-Not at all. – I replied. She answered with only a small smile, as she continued to sharpen her knife. From closer, it was even more frightening. Its handle had laurel wreaths and thorn crowns alternating with each other, made of pure silver and gold. The blade was dark red, and there was something written in greek at the bottom. – I'm Kath, you?

- Cara. You're the prophecy girl, aren't you? – I waited a bit before I nodded. I didn't know if I was supposed to tell people about that, but since she already knew, I guessed there would be no problem in agreeing. – See you later?

Her brow went so high that it disappeared in her fringe. I nodded and smiled back at her. As I rose up to leave I had a feeling that I wouldn't be seeing her for a very long time.

Unfortunately, I was right.

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