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I got up as fast as I could, touching my necklace very fast, three times, for it to turn into a sword. I was with terrible hair and a terrible face, and my head was still not working properly after that dream. However, my motto those days was if there is a monster, fight it. So, completely unprepared, I got out of the van with Toph, turning towards a giant snake. The scales that it carried were absolutely beautiful and shined with all seven colors of the rainbow. Every time it moved, I felt as though I had been hypnotized and couldn't take my eyes off the reptile. Luckily, I had just managed to get out of a similar hypnosis situation and looked away, although the other ones were stuck in the same trance. The snake was approaching quickly, so I jumped as high as I could and stuck my sword right in the middle of it. A few drops of blood fell from the wound, but the monster seemed to not even notice and kept heading towards the van and my friends.

I held onto the sword, it being my only place to hold myself to prevent me from falling off the snake. I dragged myself through its back, using my sword as some hiking device, finally reaching its head. There, the temptation to just stop fighting was extraordinarily big, and it took me all my willpower to stick my sword into one of its eyes.

The good news were that his hypnotizing power came from his eye, and I managed to turn it off buy just cutting through it, and the snake had stopped going towards the van. Now, the bad news were that the other demigods had slept (yes, that means all my work was actually useless) and the snake was now paying attention to me. It started to writhe madly, trying to reach me.

I didn't know if I should try and hold onto the snake or if I should let go of my sword and let it come back to me. I actually ended up choosing the second option and rolled away from the snake. It easily turned to me and started coming towards the one that speaks to you right now. I tried to stand, but I tripped and fell once more, the snake too close for me to run, but too far away for me to attack it.

- Mikró, no – said a voice that came from nowhere. The snake seemed to throw a small tantrum before shrinking, yes shrinking, until it was sized about as a worm now. A girl with messy, short, brunette hair puts the snake in her necklace, where it curled and hardened, becoming a pendant.

The girl looked up and put half of her hair up in a tiny ponytail. Her face was filled with freckles and her hazel eyes shined. She was very short, and was wearing a jeans shorts overall, and underneath it was a navy-blue t-shirt. Her shoes were red high-top all-stars, that were almost completely covered in dirt of all sorts. She then turned to me and scanned me entirely with her eyes.

- Oh, I'm sorry for Mikró. She just went wild when she smelled you and your group of friends. – she helped me up. – That's odd, though. It never happened before...

- My group is a quite unusual one, to be honest. Lots of things that should never happen happens to us.

- It sounds very much like Murphy's law. It usually doesn't go wrong, but if it can, it will. His theory is very interesting, especially because no one knows exactly when it was first said. Alfred Holt, in 1877, talked about a quite similar theory for the first time in a meeting... - she went on about Murphy's law for about five whole minutes (you can't expect me to remember everything she said. Seriously, she barely breathed), until she realized that I was not understanding anything. – Chatterjee actually contested that using the principle of least action... Oh, sorry, I think I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Violet. You are?

- I'm Katherine. May I ask how the hell did you manage to get that snake?

- Mikró was a present from my mother, Mnemosyne. You know, goddess of memory? Many people do not rank her as a goddess, but as a titan, but it is a completely stupid accusation. She is, indeed, daughter of two titans, Uranus and Gaia. But if you are going to see it like that, you'd consider that Zeus would also be a titan. Also, differently than the Titans, she was praised, mostly before poems and songs, for the artist to not forget what he was supposed to sing, because she is the goddess of memory. I guess she chose a snake as her sacred animal because the snake has incredible wit, that combined with memory, can destroy any opponent. Get it?

- Sure – I answered, nodding slowly. That girl liked very much talking.

- What about you? Who's your parent?

- Well, all of them. – I was getting used by now to the shock and surprise that came after this particular phrase, and the explanation of how that happened was now a premade speech that she just repeated over and over again.

-Fascinating. That means that the soul was parted in different bodies, and due to magic, with a single touch the soul was gathered. Did your memories get mixed? When people asked you where were you in a certain day, did you have to answer two different places? How was that? Did you remember the two things? Or nothing? Or just one? Also...

- Hey, hey, calm down. One question at a time. – I said, heading towards the van. – I don't remember anything. It could be because I fused, or it could be because I was too little for that.

I kept going and dragged Maggie to the van. I tried to do that with Toph and Tommy too, but they were way too heavy for that. I looked around, searching for something I could use to help me. Just at the end of the road, there was a small forest. I put my hand on the floor, letting the dirt and the grass go through my fingers. "Okay Demeter, I really, really need some vines to carry Toph and Thomas to the van. I have no idea how to do that. Help me?" these were my thoughts. However, nothing happened, and I had filled my nails with dirt for nothing.

- ... The memories must come from the dominant one in the fuse, that's it. Oh you need help? – I nodded, as she finally had stopped talking. She took Mikró away from her necklace and threw her (or him?) on the floor. It immediately became big once more, and its giant tongue came out and licked Violet's face. – Hey, Mik, grab those two and put them on the van. Don't kill them though.

The snake went and did what Violet asked happily. After it, she gave it some dead rats that were in her backpack (yes, I also found it extremely gross) and turned it back into a pendant.

- I guess that's it then. Unless... You need a road trip partner?

- Oh, we're not on a road trip – I then explained to her all about The Alliance, and our mission, and to my surprise, she didn't seem afraid nor shocked.

- My offer is still up.

I looked at her, then at the van, then at her pendant. We did need the help. And she did seem like a nice girl.

- You know what? Sure, why not?

- Yes! Thank you

And as I stood in front of the wheel, putting my seatbelt on, I realized that the prophecy had started to accomplish itself. We had found another hero, and one that would blow The Alliance by throwing random info right at it.

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