I have a dream

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          My dream was like this: In a large room there were 12 thrones, and each one had a huge person sitting on it. The thrones were decorated just as the principal twelve cabins of Camp Half-Blood. In the biggest one, there was a man with white, long and curly hair, with two eyes of different colors, one blue and the other one green.

- We can't just discard her, seeing that she is the only one who can give us victory in this battle against the Alliance. – he said. The woman sitting next to him, a woman with long licorice-black hair, a face of unapproachable beauty with soft brown eyes raised her hand to silence the other huge people's protests.

- This is only happening because of our negligence to the prophecy, so we must handle it. As my husband said, she is indeed the only one who can save the Olympus...

- Or destroy it. – another woman with long black hair pulled back in a ponytail, with stormy gray eyes, dressed in full battle armor, stood up. – She is a relief as much as she is a danger. If we end her, our chances stay the same, but there won't be such a powerful being at loose. You talk so much about the prophecy, so why aren't you considering that?

Some agreed and some disagreed, and the woman with licorice-black hair glared at the woman who had spoken with hatred in her eyes. Everyone, then, started arguing. The men with white hair hit his scepter (that looked very much like a cartoon lightning bolt) against the ground and the room fell silent again.

-All in favor for the girl to live raise a hand. – himself and other six people raised hands. – The girl lives, then. For now. But we'll keep an eye on her, and at any sign of betrayal... You know what to do.

The grey eyed woman stared directly at me and then disappeared, just as everything else. I released my breath just to realize I had been holding it since the grey eyed woman suggested the death of the girl. Somehow, I knew that they were talking about me, and the fact that it was chosen for me to live was at the same time frightening and relieving, seeing that just a slip will have me killed, and probably the whole Olympus too. I reminded myself that it had only been a dream, but deep down I knew that it had been something more.

Suddenly, the scene change, and I was hunting, except that I wasn't myself. I looked like I was thirteen (two years younger than I actually am), with auburn hair gathered back with some golden threads in a braid. I also had cold and bright eyes as silvery yellow as the moon, and I was dressed in a silver tunic. In my hands, there was an arrow pointed to a huge creature, that was like a bear, but had a human head.

- Where are the coffins? – I asked, in a deep voice that did not suited a thirteen-year-old girl.

- I already told you, at that cave... - as I turned around to check the information that the monster had given, he fell on me and made a large cut in my nose. He laughed as he threw away my bow and quiver.

- I thought you were smarter than that, Artemis. I guess that the Olympus really should... - I had taken a bronze knife that had been hidden in my boot and stuck it into the monster.

- You talk too much. – I said, as he turned to dust. A drop of golden blood had gone all the way to my nose and then fell on the ground. A few seconds later, a baby appeared in the place where the blood had been dropped. I tried to stab it with my knife, but a golden barrier stopped the knife from touching me. I realized that it was all lost now, the impossible baby had born and the prophecy would fulfill itself. I dreaded my choice to go after the coffins, but what was done couldn't be undone.

Then, I froze, because I realized that I hadn't been thinking any of these things. Artemis had. She had been staring at the baby for a while now, so I started to do it also. Then my already confused mind got even worse when I figured out that the baby was me.

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