The girl that talks too much

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- What the fuck, Kath? - Maggie had awoken now, and she wasn't very happy. Apparently bringing a complete stranger with a giant snake onto our trip wasn't a very rational thing to do. I tried to remind her that the prophecy had foreseen that, but she just rolled her eyes. - You know how everyone somehow got to know this prophecy, and The Alliance could have just sent a traitor demigod with a monster. We need to get rid of her.

- You guys know I'm not deaf, right? - Violet, that had been silently watching us with legs crossed on the floor, finally burst out, as the maximum time I had spent with her not talking was two minutes. - And you are a daughter of Aphrodite, right? Why don't you just use your charmed voice and make me tell the truth about my intentions?

Maggie looked at her with a disgusted facial expression, not because of Violet herself, but because of her suggestion. But it was not Violet's fault if she didn't know how much Maggie hated Aphrodite and everything associated with her. But she put herself together and put on a dazzling smile.

- Hey, Vi. Can I call you like that? - Violet nodded, her eyes fixed onto Maggie as though she was hipnotyzed. God, Maggie was so powerful that even I wanted her to call me Vi. I figured she had to use all her strengh when trying to control women. She told me once it was harder. - So, both  me and Kath like you very much. We're just a bit worried. Would it be too much to ask you what are your real intentions?

- No, of course not - she was almost drooling with the amount of charm used upon her. I guessed that if Maggie asked her to kill me she would without hesitation. Thank god that she was on my side. - I have always lived alone, you see, I'm a demigod as you, and even if my mother hasn't got many more children, she's too weak to give me attention. Also, my dad disappeared. I reckon he died in the streets, a regular mugging gone wrong. That or an accident. Anyways, I went on to an orphanage where I surprisingly had an amazing childhood. You see, I always read these books about children that lost their parents and lived in an orphanage as well, and they absolutely hated it. Sometimes because they were bullied, sometimes because they were incredibly bored, and sometimes because they missed their parents. With me, it was the complete opposite. Everyone was super kind to me, I even had more than four surprise birthday parties. Also, the orphanage wasn't poor, so I lived a good life. I didn't miss my parents, mostly because I never had them. I also hadn't had those 'nobody wants to adopt me' crisis, as I loved the orphanage. I even hid when potential parents went on to visit us. And boredom? Never. The orphanage itself wasn't too amusing, I must admit that, but the rare times that I played games with the people I lived with I enjoyed it very much. But the very jewel of the orphanage was its location. You see, it was right in front of one of the biggest libraries of the country, and I visited it almost every day. Those big sofas were my second beds, and the librarians my second (if not third) family. Anyways, I always felt like I was loved, but I missed something.

- Sorry to interrupt, Vi - even the wide smile in Maggie's face couldn't hide those impatient eyes. Maybe she had used a bit too much power - But could you cut to the chase?

- Yeah, I'm almost there, sorry. As I was saying, I missed something. In my last birthday this pungent with Mikró appeared in my bed and I figured it was a sign. I left a small note in my bed and left the orphanage. One day I was eating when a giant snake appeared in front of me. And my pungent had gone missing. So I obviously connected the dots and found out that Mikró was magical. So magic was real. I recalled the books that I had read about greek mithology and found that this was a very common gift from Mnemosyne for her daughters. So I researched like crazy about her, until one day, I was at a bathroom and saw in the mirror that her sign was floating above my head. I walked around all of USA's territory, lookng for an adventure, untill Mikró just popped out and went running towards you guys. You have to remember she's a monster. Domesticated and a cutie pie, but a monster. And when Katherine told me all about her and you guys' mission, I just had to come with you. So I guess I'm saying my real intentions are that I just want an adventure.

 - An adventure? You know you'll most likely die, don't you? - Thomas had woken up and his hair was a giant mess, his eyes fuzilating the newcomer with his very constant death stare.

- I am indeed very aware of that. But I'd rather live a short exciting life than a dull long one. I have read too many books to just sit and do nothing while I could be doing something actually important. And I'm guessing that saving the world could be considered mildly important.

- I don't like this girl. She talks too much - He left by saying that, and jumped onto the front bench. Toph was the one driving, as he had been the first to wake up, I was too tired and Vi didn't have a driver's licence. Maggie looked both worried and thoughtful, until she took a deep breath and nodded.

- Okay, Vi. You can travel with us. But if you betray us, even the mildest betray, I'll make you suffer. And badly.

And with that happy tone we continued our trip, Toph driving, Tommy listening to his death metals, Maggie writing in her small notebook, Vi telling us the most random facts she could conjure and me... Well, just thinking about the future. And how I wouldn't stand that any of them dying. 

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