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Rosie's p.o.v

I fall asleep at the first opportunity I'm given, every ounce of energy well and truly drained from my body. I suppose it makes sense, seeing as I was hurriedly awoken to be told that the entire world was after my ass but I really wasn't enjoying the heaviness that filled my body.

It's a dreamless sleep, the kind where you just seem to float out of existence for a few hours and everything is okay for a while. 

The next thing I'm aware of is a gentle hand on my shoulder. For a moment, my mind flickers back to the last time I was awoken in the night, but I remember where I am and open my eyes to see my dad.

"Hey kiddo", his voice is soft and careful, as if he's trying to gauge my emotional state, "How are you doing?".

I push myself up onto my elbows, blinking away the irritating film coating my eyes and gathering my bearings, "I'm okay actually, did that thing even happen? It kind of feels like some kind of fever dream at the moment".

A small smile spreads on his face, clearly glad that I haven't fallen into a state of psychosis, "Yeah Roos, it happened. You scared the shit out of me when you came hurtling out of the sky, straight into the ground".

To mine and his surprise, I giggle at the mental image. I must have looked insane. "Oh wow, that was one hell of a night".

"Wasn't really your day, Rose, was it?".

Our casual jokes comfort me in a way that I can't really explain. Normality means the world to me at the moment, especially whilst my personal world is being flipped upside down. The fact that I'm not being treated like glass is a relief, I don't think I could handle being covered in bubble wrap right now.

My eyes drift to the side during the pause in our conversation, catching on a bag which has been left by the door. "Where are we going?".

"I'm going to Nexus, you've got options".

"Go on then".

Dad smirks, "Clint has a secret wife, she's offered for you to stay here if you want to".

"We've met before, I stayed with her during the whole Vanko thing".

His eyes seem to double in size, pure disbelief overcoming his features, "Are you kidding me? You knew and you didn't tell me?!".

A smile breaks onto my face as I shrug, "He didn't bring it up, I assumed he didn't want anyone to know".

"Traitor", he grumbles.

"What are my other options?".

"Fury's here, he's gonna take Bruce back to New York and you're welcome to join them. Or, you could go with Cap, Nat and Clint to hunt down Ultron.. Or you could come with me".

I think it over, tossing all four choices about in my mind, but none of them particularly appeal to me and something's still playing on my mind.

"Can I propose a fith option?".

He raises a sceptical eyebrow, "You can try".

"I want to look into something, it's bugging me and I want to know more".

"Yeah no, not a fan of the cryptics, what do you want?".

I avert my eyes to the floor and take a deep breath, "You remember the enhanced at that Hydra base?".

"Oh for God's sake Roos".

"No! Look, the girl, she helped me.. or tried to, I ignored her and that's when the whole war thing started. I need to find her, Dad".

"Rosalie, I found you on the floor, vomiting your guts out, bleeding from a bullet wound and you're suggesting that she helped you?".

"She's like me, Dad, maybe not exactly but she knows things and somehow we both knew and it was odd, I need answers".

He drags a hand down his face "Rosie I can't just let you chase after a Hydra agent".

"She's not with Hydra by choice" I pause, my eyes pleading with his, "Please Dad, trust me".

The silence that follows is probably the most tense I've ever experienced in my life, "You are going to stay in contact with me the whole time, bow in hand and guard up. If you are out of your depth at any point then you call me or any other avenger and you get as far away as you can.. also you're the one who's explaining it to your mom".

"I'll ring her in a minute", I grin.

After that, he leaves the room and I open the bag he brought me, changing into leggings and a sports bra and tugging my hair into a ponytail. My bow rests comfortably and naturally in my hand as I leave the bedroom and head out into the kitchen. 

I'm not surprised to see the avengers (minus Thor), scattered around the room. 

Steve, Bruce and Fury are sat up to the breakfast bar, talking to Clint who's sat on the counter. Nat and Dad are sat on the couch with Laura. Everyone is cradling a mug of coffee, identical to the one that Clint pushes into my hands as soon as he realises I've entered.

For one awkward moment, everyone stops what they're doing and looks up at me.

"Hey Rosie" Nat offers a warm smile from across the kitchen and I immediately relax, making my way over to sit between her and my dad. I instinctively lay my head on her shoulder, a tiny bit extremely exhausted. "Are you okay?".

I nod as much as I can without moving away from her, "Just a tiny bit shocked I suppose".

She smirks, rubbing my head with her hand, "That's completely understandable".

"Do you um.. do you mind us asking what actually happened?" Steve asks tentatively from his position up to the bar.

"No, I mean, I'm pretty sure I'd want answers if one of you came hurtling out of the sky and then had a cat fight with a goddess", I cock my head to the side, slightly strangely amused by the situation. "I uh.. Mars woke me up in the middle of the night and I was kind of disorientated so a lot of my memory is kind of fuzzy - but he said something about having to get away or whatever and somewhere along the line he told me that everyone knew.. about my heritage, and they're the super uptight pedigree type so.. yeah I kind of freaked out. It didn't exactly help when I was confronted with an army but I got past them.. somehow.. and dropped down here, someone followed me but they weren't much of a threat by their self so I just sent them back to Asgard".

A pause passes as everyone takes it in.

"So.. so did your mom lead them?" Clint queries.

I roll my eyes, "My mom is Pepper. The woman who just so happened to birth me, lead the army herself. I'm assuming she didn't appreciate me moving on.. after she abandoned me for seven years of my life and I met her like twice. Shame".

"Yeah well at least they didn't damage your sarcasm, huh?" Dad elbows me in the ribs before throwing an arm around my shoulders and pulling my head close to his chest, a sudden soft tone coating his voice, "I'm glad you're okay baby".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2019 ⏰

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