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tony's p.o.v

every second that passes is painful. the zip-ties around my wrists won't give and the knowledge that both pepper and rosalie are in the hands of that maniac burns more than the friction cuts i've caused from pulling against this stupid bed. i'm not an idiot, i know that rosalie had a bullet wound, only one, no exit wound. she isn't bleeding out because the bullet is blocking a lot of the way, but she is still bleeding heavily and that bullet is going to cause some issues. she needs medical attention, instead i let her get led off by a terrorist who came back without her.

"where's my kid" i growl, trying my best to seem threatening whilst being strapped to a bed. killian's grin proves that i'm not succeeding.

he strolls over to his seat, picking up the remote he used to show me pepper before "let's see how she's doing shall we?".

the small beep signals the start of the projection. rosalie is strapped to a metal slab, identical to the one that pepper's on right next to her. pep's calmed down, the glow subsided as she faces roos, saying something to her in what i suppose must be an attempt to comfort. rosalie's reacted to the extremis a lot differently to pepper. she's taking shaky breaths, her eyes wide open as her skin glows a molten shade. her small mouth moves in a repetitive pattern and after a few times i make out the words.

'i'm fine'.

over and over again, she seems to chant them like a mantra as if saying it enough will make it true. her mouth forms an 'o' as the pain seems to spike and tears start to pool in her eyes but she bites her lip and forces air in and out of her lungs. 

i can't look any longer, i shut my eyes and drop my head down to the floor, wincing at killian's cold laugh. "she's a fighter, anthony, you raised her well". 

"she isn't raised to be a fighter" i respond, raising my eyeline to meet his again "she shouldn't have to fight. she's eleven years old".

he only laughs again, turning off the live feed just as rosalie's eyes roll back in her head and she goes limp.

"you're insane!" i shout, tugging against the plastic once again. it's pathetic, i'm supposed to be iron man and i can't even keep my family safe. 

"no, tony, i'm just willing to make sacrifices".

rosie's p.o.v

when i wake up, i'm alone.

pepper is gone, so are the guards that were watching over us. i'm still strapped to the extremis thing, the tube still in my arm. the sensation is uncomfortable and irritating so i focus my energy into tearing my wrists free. the metal groans before snapping open but the iv is still irritating me. i grab it with the opposite hand and rip it out. the pain only lasts for a couple of seconds and immediately my skin glows orange. it morphs around the hole in my hand and in a split second it's gone. i stare for a moment, not entirely sure what just happened. i suppose the extremis thing really works. cool.. i guess.

and then i'm thrown across the room.

i barely registered it as it happened, this whole explosion thing is getting a bit old and i'm used to being thrown across rooms, as unpleasant as it is. it only starts to sink into my head when half of the building falls on me. i let out a surprised grunt and use my hands to shield my head. i just lie there for a minute, trying to process the situation. i'm under a building. i was injected with some weird serum which healed some weird cut and then some weird explosion trapped me under a building.

"right, okay, how do i handle this situation?" i mutter under my breath as i lift my head a little to observe the area. there's literally no way i can get out of here "this isn't good" i decide "not a situation that i'm really equipped for.. loki didn't give me any tips for being squashed under buildings.. oh jeez i'm so done with this. fuck my entire life, fuck it all". i'm so wrapped up in my own thoughts that i don't even realise the suit lifting the metal off of my back until the last moment when more begins to fall "absolutely not! stop that" i order. as i return my hands to the back of my head.

i breathe a sigh of relief as he puts it down and i'm returned to my metal cocoon. dad crouches down and his face plate lifts "you done swearing to yourself?".

a breathy laugh escapes my lips and i wince as i shift a little "i hate you".

"nope, we're tin-man and rooster and we spread love not hatred".

"how'd you figure that one out?" i ask with a roll of my eyes. i'm not really in the mood for spreading love right now, i'm being squished by a building.

"well-" dad begins but i cut him off.

"would you stop talking?".

he extends his hand towards me "i'm actually trying to keep you awake, come on we need to go.

"i'm not really in the mood for sleeping" i state but reach towards him anyway. my hand barely brushes against his as a sharp pain shoots through me where the bullet hole was. i frown down at it, because the hole is gone and it shouldn't be hurting anymore. 

"come on, a little more baby" he coaxes as i let out an involuntary whimper. after a few more attempts, my hand grips his and i breathe out heavily. the moment of satisfaction and relief is replaced by irritation when a glowing arm shoots up through the floor and pushes dad away from me. i fall backwards a little, but drag myself further up.

killian crawls up through the newly made hole in the metal, his entire body doing that glowy thing that both the man and woman back in rose hill did. he stops to breathe for a moment before turning to me "is this guy bothering you?".

i can feel my blood boiling, my eyes changing colour, and i'm pretty sure he notices too because his smug grin falters for a moment before i open my mouth "oh just piss off" i push my hand through the air and using my powers, i slam him up and into the ceiling. his body smashes against the already crumbling brick and then falls back down to the floor, his left shoulder falling right onto a blade which is now sticking out of dad's suit. his literal entire arm comes off of his body and flies towards me. i reject it with my powers and it lands a few feet away, still glowing orange.

"yeah you take a minute" dad quips as killian stumbles to the ground. 

i'm relieved for a minute, that is until the fucking molten arm melts the fucking metal floor and i fall onto a fucking beam.

and i just hate everything, everything is awful, why does life hate me?

little piece of heaven (tony stark's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now